Weekly Fallen London Questions, 08/11/2021

Here’s this week’s quick questions thread!

Wiki has no information on this, because it’s technically fatelocked, but this has been driving me nuts:
On the Bohemian opportunity card, i’ve unlocked the Mycolegene option. It says the rewards rise with my Persuasive. At first it seemed like a good way to gain Favor without Scandal, but it seems really inconsistent. Do i need Persuasive within a certain range, to gain the Favor? Is it luck-based?

[quote=the Inquisitive Masseurse]Wiki has no information on this, because it’s technically fatelocked, but this has been driving me nuts:

On the Bohemian opportunity card, i’ve unlocked the Mycolegene option. It says the rewards rise with my Persuasive. At first it seemed like a good way to gain Favor without Scandal, but it seems really inconsistent. Do i need Persuasive within a certain range, to gain the Favor? Is it luck-based?[/quote]Favour is luck based and it’s 40 or 50%, but the other rewards scale. I think it’s an interval from 1 to persuasion/10 and, respectively, 100 rounded down.

That has never given favours reliably.

[quote=Ragnar Degenhand]That has never given favours reliably.[/quote] You really have to only half-want a favour, which is an admittedly strange mode to be in. I went with the Docks ending for story purposes, and while I always want Dock favours, sometimes (especially with all this recent late-game non-100% content) the more appealing play is 4 Second Chances and a maybe-favour (the 10 Rostygold saved is basically a non-factor).

So is there actually any point to Zeefaring? Since the new system (which I greatly prefer to the old one) came out I’ve travelled the unterzee quite a bit, and yet I’m not altogether sure I’ve ever actually used it. Does it do anything?

You mean the quality? Oddly, it doesn’t get used a lot at Zee. Note that the content for raising the cap is clearly planned but not yet implemented, so it’s possible more uses of the Skill will come out at that point.

To my knowledge, the primary uses that one might care about are thusly:

  • You need Zeefaring 5 to access the Snares, which is pretty useful because it’s a shortcut.[/li][li]There’s a Zeefaring challenge on the &quotNavigational Error&quot card. While this is a fairly niche use, I think it’s pretty nice. Since Hallowmas, it’s possible to 100% the challenge (which doesn’t seem to vary with location), which means that it’s a completely safe card even in the Snares.[/li][li]The Cartographer’s Hoard project in the Lab has a Nautical Focus, which lets you apply your Zeefaring skill for research.

The Zee is going to be the major content focus for the next year or so, so we’ll see if more uses crop up.

Yeah, I meant the skill. Thanks for the info. Does feel oddly absent from the activity that it is named after. It’s my only complaint about the new system currently. Just seems like it doesn’t really matter how good a sailor you are when sailing. I feel it ought to matter more, but that’s just me.

How will the Regretful Soldier’s Tale end?

The card has two fate locked options, and “walk away”. If I walk away, do I lose the acquaintance?

[quote=Bluestocking]How will the Regretful Soldier’s Tale end?

The card has two fate locked options, and &quotwalk away&quot. If I walk away, do I lose the acquaintance?[/quote]

I’m not a fate player, and he still hangs around. I believe that if you send him about his business, you can find him again at Watchmaker’s HIll.
edited by Ragnar Degenhand on 11/12/2021

[quote=Bluestocking]How will the Regretful Soldier’s Tale end?

The card has two fate locked options, and &quotwalk away&quot. If I walk away, do I lose the acquaintance?[/quote]
If you’re a Shepherd of Souls, you’d be able to bring him a happy conclusion.

I’m not a shepherd ofsould and have been largely ignoring hell content. Mostly I just want him to show up and fix my wounds. Or occasionally boost my running battle.

I don’t know if that ending for the story means you lose his acquaintance, but if it does, I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to meet him again in Watchmaker’s Hill the same way you did the first time.

So you want to shuffle the airs for the wounds (50-75) for the Soldier, but 90-100 works well, too. A good place to do this is Spite. But if you have your Parabolan camp, which you obviously do, there’s wound healing there as well. I like him mainly for the docks favours and the subsequent expeditions.

Yes, I’ve got to Parabola. But a quick boostwhen the airs are right saves on honey and time. Favours are good too. Main point is not to lose him. Even if I could get him back, I’d have to work my way up the acquaintance levels.

Next quick questions.

  1. How much tribute to I need to submit to the Court of the Wakeful Eye before something happens? I see there ia a maximum, but what am I aiming for?
    (ETA: I found the answer – 80 to open the storylet.)
  2. Is there any way to redo the Jack of Smiles story? I am not happy with my choice of ending. For roleplay reasons.
    edited by Bluestocking on 11/13/2021

[quote=Bluestocking]Yes, I’ve got to Parabola. But a quick boostwhen the airs are right saves on honey and time. Favours are good too. Main point is not to lose him. Even if I could get him back, I’d have to work my way up the acquaintance levels.

Next quick questions.

  1. How much tribute to I need to submit to the Court of the Wakeful Eye before something happens? I see there ia a maximum, but what am I aiming for?
    (ETA: I found the answer – 80 to open the storylet.)
  2. Is there any way to redo the Jack of Smiles story? I am not happy with my choice of ending. For roleplay reasons.

edited by Bluestocking on 11/13/2021[/quote]

  1. https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Another_round_with_Jack:turn_back_the_clock!(20_FATE)

Edit: I meant 2. but the post just seems to break when I try editing that
edited by Emma DeLeskie on 11/13/2021

Is there any way to pay 10 FATE (or any way at all) to regain a Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit Chief, now that the Albino Rat is working in my lab and the &quotRat Melancholy&quot card no longer turns up?
edited by Azora Perlino on 11/13/2021

[quote=Emma DeLeskie][quote=Bluestocking]

Next quick questions.

  1. How much tribute to I need to submit to the Court of the Wakeful Eye before something happens? I see there ia a maximum, but what am I aiming for?
    (ETA: I found the answer – 80 to open the storylet.)
  2. Is there any way to redo the Jack of Smiles story? I am not happy with my choice of ending. For roleplay reasons.

edited by Bluestocking on 11/13/2021[/quote]

  1. https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Another_round_with_Jack:turn_back_the_clock!(20_FATE)

Edit: I meant 2. but the post just seems to break when I try editing that
[/quote] Aha! Thanks.

(The breakage is an HTML list thing. Hard to fix unless you can edit the HTML underneath, which sensible forums limit severely, due to possible mal attacks.)

How long does the Clay Highwayman’s living story take to fire? I’m at the part where he’s just left for Polytheme and wondering if I should do anything to speed it up. It’s been…about a day and a half since I waved him off, I think.
edited by Captain Blood Storm on 11/14/2021

Does the statue of Mr Cards count as a statue of yourself for the purpose of obtaining &quotThe Inescapable Ubiquity of your Countenance&quot? I presume so but I’d like to know for sure and it doesn’t seem like it gets clarified anywhere