Weekly Fallen London Questions, 05/04/2021

Nothing. It’s entirely unaffected, and you retain access at all times.[/quote]

W00t! Thx friend.

When does the Prioress of Many Habits visit my command tent in Parabola? The wiki says something about a hidden ‘Tutorial’ quality? I just finished my first campaign and hoped that might be the point where she turns up…

Yes, as a rule of thumb they generally raise Shadowy by 3 levels.

I believe she shows up after 3 or 4 campaigns, but I could be wrong.

She showed up after I did all the four campaigns: Viscountess, Cats, Ophidian and at the end Fingerkings, in this precise order, so it’s possible she shows up when you’ve done all the campaigns once OR just after the two &quotmajor&quot 5 stage ones (Cats and Fingerkings), I cannot be sure.
edited by Frenzgyn on 4/12/2021

I got her after three - Viscountess, Cats and Fingerkings.

Caroline also had her appear after those exact three. Never did Ophidian.