Weekly Fallen London Questions, 04/01/2021

New year, new questions!

[quote=Diptych]New year, new questions![/quote] &quotThe bats are back!&quot

In previously released Sacksmas Investigations, one’s &quotInvestigating Quality&quot was removed as part of the final &quotCash Out&quot for unique gear or a fancy item:

My new Devilish acquaintances have gifted me a fancy Affiliation and I’ve even switched to a new artistic movement, but I’m still seeing this:

Is this unique to me, unique to these Devils, or a wider change which could imply freely repeating investigations in future years?

Sounds like a bug in the final part of the Devil line. I lost my “investigating” quality when I pulled the Fox out of the sack the other day.

Since yesterday, site accessability has continually worsened, from “veeery slow” to “doesn’t load at all”. At the moment, I can’t even log in anymore. Anyone else having problems?

None outside the numerous problems introduced in an ill-considered browser patch. As long as my browser is working, the site itself has been fine. Ocasionally slow, but nothing out of the ordinary.

I just got my Norman and want to get the Norman Tattoo this year.
According to what I have found in the wiki, it would be best to invest all my Taste of Lacre into him (actually 13), repeat this after I made a few new levels via the snow I still got and then pray that he survives long enough, right?

When did this happen? FL has been having issues around 8:30 GMT for a few weeks now. I actually emailed support regarding that and apparently thats when maintenance scripts are run. Henry said he had done some work but also that there wasn’t an quick fix for it.

When did this happen? FL has been having issues around 8:30 GMT for a few weeks now. I actually emailed support regarding that and apparently thats when maintenance scripts are run. Henry said he had done some work but also that there wasn’t an quick fix for it.[/quote]

Interesting! Normally, I am at work during that time, so I can’t speak from past experience. But this week I’m on vacation and indeed I always found the game extremely slow during the European morning hours. I thought it was due to large numbers of American users being up late ;)

But from yesterday afternoon to this morning I could not log in at all, so maybe there’s more to it. Right now, everything seems back to normal but I’ll definitely send in an email if I run into problems again.

I’ll pull my question from the tail end of last week’s thread into this one:

What is currently the best way to use up Great Game favours? I’ve been turning them in at the Docks, but is there anything better?

[quote=Ulysses Kingfisher]I’ll pull my question from the tail end of last week’s thread into this one:

What is currently the best way to use up Great Game favours? I’ve been turning them in at the Docks, but is there anything better?[/quote]
You have already switched your connected pet for a fitting one, right? That isnt the efficient method you are looking for, but it might shorten the grind a little.

You have already switched your connected pet for a fitting one, right? That isnt the efficient method you are looking for, but it might shorten the grind a little.[/quote]

Sorry, I may have been unclear in asking my question! I have an abundance of Great Game favours and would like to be sure I am disposing of them in the most beneficial manner. Is there any better use for them than Calling in Favours in the Wolfstack Docks?

(I know there are some additional things to do with some factions’ favours as you progress the railroad, for instance, but I’m not sure if that has opened up any possibilities for the Great Game?)

Is there any reason to collect large amounts of Attar or use for it? I’m thinking 100+ Attar. I’m not asking what for, just if there is a use requiring those kinds of amounts. I have Queenly Attar already and have just been collecting regular Attar for the bleep of it.

[quote=Ulysses Kingfisher]\

Sorry, I may have been unclear in asking my question! I have an abundance of Great Game favours and would like to be sure I am disposing of them in the most beneficial manner. Is there any better use for them than Calling in Favours in the Wolfstack Docks?
I used to use them for gaining Making Waves by upconverting Influence items. The T3->T4 conversions don’t need favours anymore, I’m not sure how they’ve been re-balanced.

There should be options in Arbor to exchange all your attar at once for items like Favours in High Places (thanks, amalgamate, for reminding me; the EIs were just a necessary piece of the long-haul grinds). I think one was a rare success on gifting your attar to the roseate queen. There even used to be long-haul Arbor echoes grinding, but that got shut down last year.
edited by Kaunisenkeli on 1/7/2021

I accumulate lots of attar just to later give it all to the roseate queen for favors in high places. It’s an efficient echo grind - since you turn it all in at once (well, there’s about a 20% chance of turning it all in at once) the longer you grind before turning it in the higher the EPA technically is. I got it up to 2000 before the last time I turned it in, might do that again this time around. (I’m at about 1000 now)

I consider marrying a crowd of admirers for the sake of a grind. What would it cost to get rid of them again?

Hi everyone. I found this card while sailing that led me to the Cumean Canal and, when I clicked it, it said that it let me start a storylet for the Metempsychosis update. The point is, there were 2 options and I couldn’t click the other one because it said “Time: Late 2020”. So, it’s 2021, does that mean I can no longer use that option?

The “Time” quality is just used to lock things that aren’t implemented yet, and to give you an idea of when it will be available. Of course, sometimes it’s later than expected. I’ve never heard of it being used to lock off content that used to be available, so it’s probably not that.

Just to confirm this isn’t a glitch, did they reset how many Bottles of Greyfields 1868 First Sporing you can get from Mr. Wines’ auction again? Because if it’s not a glitch I KNEW using that card at each and every opportunity was a good call before it got patched, now I’m sitting comfortably on more than a hundred anti-Nightmares items far superior to that nasty old laudanum.

[quote=Hattington]Just to confirm this isn’t a glitch, did they reset how many Bottles of Greyfields 1868 First Sporing you can get from Mr. Wines’ auction again? Because if it’s not a glitch I KNEW using that card at each and every opportunity was a good call before it got patched, now I’m sitting comfortably on more than a hundred anti-Nightmares items far superior to that nasty old laudanum.[/quote]From the latest patch notes:
The success result on the ‘Unlabelled Box’ branch of the card ‘Mr Wines is Holding a Sale!’ now gives only one Greyfields 1868 First Sporing alongside a few extra wine items.