Weekly Fallen London Questions, 03/02/2025

Here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions!

What are good ways to trim the London Opportunity Deck? The guide on the wiki does not seem to be too complete/up to date.
I am trying to grind the 777 for The Carpenter’s Granddaughter’s Lectures.
I have Weasel of Woe equipped, gotten rid of pets that have cards and am rid of the Struggling Artist, the Library and all Lodging Cards except for my Premises at the Bazaar.
Are there any sweet spots for Main attributes or other things to consider?

Check out Appendix B of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/xjogmz/a_new_pope_an_endgame_moneymaking_guide/?utm_name=androidcss


Ah, thank you. I had completely forgotten about that guide.
Alas, it seems I have already taken those steps.
Well, I guess nothing beats praying to RNG.

Note that general improvements to the Opportunity Deck are a roadmap focus for 2025. I don’t expect major improvements soon, but just saying don’t invest more energy than you would be disappointed if it gets patched away in six to twelve months.

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