It’s only gone and started snowing! Well, kinda. Neath-snowing. Anyhow, here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions!
Does anyone know what this item/quality is from? It is an option atop the bell-tower during Cricket, Anyone? I have to assume it’s from another Exceptional Story, or something to do with the Great Game?
Edit: Hang on, I’ve started exploring the other sections of the university. I’m realizing now these are probably qualities associated with Cricket, Anyone itself. Ignore me!
I like the new option to sell some unwanted equipment to the Unsanctioned Relicker. But now I’m curious - what is the reasoning behind preventing the player from selling their last pieces? Is it bad from the game design perspective to have the player getting rid of their last Plate of Aunt’s Scones?
None of these are guaranteed to be available next year, or ever again, and it’s a major feel-bad to accidentally sell something irreplaceable. And the sale price is almost nothing, so making that mistake possible wouldn’t even give much benefit to those who might do it on purpose.
Thanks for the hint – I hadn’t even noticed. It was delightful to clear the decks. I actually had six of some items, evidence of how long I’ve been lost in the Neathean weeds. And I adored how getting rid of Auntie’s buttered scones exacted a price! What a delight she is.
How often do we get the option to clear snow/lancre?
NVM I missed that it’s a Time the Healer thing. And also we’re not in Discworld.