Watchful and Dangerous cap raised to 140!

(No, not ~1.3*10^241, smart guy. :))

I don’t see any new content concerning it yet, but the fact remains I can now gain new change points past 130 in both Watchful and Dangerous. Persuassive and Shadowy are still capped. What wondrous new adventures await us now, I wonder?

Looks to me like it all revolves around an old friend in Ladybones Road! I shall enjoy this…

Parabola-Linen, here we come!

And my Certifiable Scraps keep getting decimated every time I try to recertify them. Sigh.

At least you have the option to fail. I haven’t seen any of the Relicer cards in over a week. I think it will be two weeks tomorrow if one doesn’t show up.

At least you have the option to fail. I haven’t seen any of the Relicer cards in over a week. I think it will be two weeks tomorrow if one doesn’t show up.[/quote]

You have a point, my dear sir. I should not have complained over my relative good fortune. Still, I’m sure you will encounter one of the Relickers soon.

So, the new Jack case content works on dangerous… but why has the watchful cap been raised as well? Am I missing something?

Investigating Jack involves both Dangerous and Watchful.

Thank you. I guess I am being too impatient - the watchful content must follow the dangerous content then.

Both are involved from the very beginning, actually. Many of the “Seeking the Next Breakthrough” segments raise Watchful. If you get help from the Velocipede Squad you can do things “The Hard Way” (Dangerous) or “The Clever Way” (Watchful).

OK, I must be being very blind, but I can’t see any watchful options for the velocipede squad. I see some options you can take that aren’t dangerous (eg. ‘in the boozer with the lads’ is a connected: constables challenge) but not watchful. I finished the velocipede storyline though a while ago (fate option) - maybe I am now locked out of certain storylets.

It’s one of the final options on a Velocipede Squad runthrough with the Jack story unlocked. Admittedly, that’s only one action of Watchful for many Dangerous. The real Watchful element is the Jack options in the training cards, which give solid Watchful boosts.