Warm amber?

I recieved a piece of warm amber on the ‘a limping figure’ card yesterday, and today a card has appeared with the option to give it away (also to murder the rubbery man who seems to be asking for it, or seduce him if you’re a PoSI with a singular enhancement) - does anyone know what the result is for giving the warm amber away? If it’s just an increase in Rubbery connections, I’m inclined to keep it, as I do indeed feel strangely reluctant to part with it…
Also, does it serve any other purpose besides being a +1 persuasive weapon?

The last time I used Warm Amber as a persuasive weapon was almost a year ago. It’s not particularly good, but at that point, +1 meant a lot to me.

No purpose except to give it away, unless you’re on a specific step of a specific Ambition, and even then it’s not the best way to accomplish what you need to.

I believe I understand the problem with my own situation: I am not getting the card which would allow me to dispose of my amber because I have a boneless consort.

Warm Amber is also required for Light Fingers. I’ve blown 100 actions Hunting for Curios. If this is supposed to be fun, they missed the mark. Making the only ways to get it having 130 Watchful (which is not required for the Ambition) or a rare chance from the Curio, that’s exceedingly frustrating.

If you have a ship one of the islands for the Voyage of Scientific Discovery gives you a lot of Warm Amber.

Corpsecage Island from what I can tell.[color=#333333] [/color]
edited by amaresu on 3/10/2013

I have just drawn a card named ‘A limping figure in a top hat beckons’ and got 3 pieces of warm amber (and no deep amber). But the text said something about getting ‘handfuls of deep amber’ and ‘a piece of rare warm amber’, so I looked at the wiki and found that the player was rewarded with 30deep amber and 1warm amber on rare successes. But 3 pieces!? Well, I am not complaining ;) - I need warm amber to get First City coins for the Marvellous - but has someone had a similar experience?
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 4/14/2014
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 4/14/2014

Sounds like it was updated, either to always give 3 or to offer 1-3.

Edit: Apparently not recently! I must admit to not having played that option.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 4/14/2014

In the future, please try to refrain from necro-ing old threads like this. It doesn’t serve much purpose, and is likely to warrant you a visit from the Special Constables. And you don’t want that, certainly.

On topic though, it looks like you’ve gotten ahold of the old result, before it was changed some time ago. My guess is you’re looking at the outdated ‘wikidot’ site. The current site looks to be consistent with the output from the last few times I’ve played that card.

The appropriate wiki can be found here: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com

[quote=Dawson]My guess is you’re looking at the outdated ‘wikidot’ site. The current site looks to be consistent with the output from the last few times I’ve played that card.

The appropriate wiki can be found here: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com[/quote]

http://echobazaar.wikidot.com is still an active wiki, and everyone is free to make the appropriate updates. (Please read the guidelines first.) Some people prefer the formatting/navigation of one site over another.

Be that as it may, it is certainly quite out of date: e.g., the storylet at hand.

looks right…


If you want, best route it is to gain Connected Rubbery men then lure them into dark alleys. I’m careful not to mention this behavior to my current spouse…

I was using the decoy while doing Thefts at the Flit. (My shadowy isn’t enough for using a Gang of Hoodlums yet) The bundle that I get from the storylet usually nets me some Warm Amber among other things. I have 137 warm ambers lying around now.[li]

This might come in handy if you want some extra echoes/ items while getting Warm Amber on the side.

No, I don’t want that. I apologise. Lesson learnt. I have almost succeeded in increasing my connection with the police sufficiently enough to become a Watcher and certainly don’t want to damage that now. ;)

[quote]On topic though, it looks like you’ve gotten ahold of the old result, before it was changed some time ago. My guess is you’re looking at the outdated ‘wikidot’ site. The current site looks to be consistent with the output from the last few times I’ve played that card.

The appropriate wiki can be found here: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com[/quote]

Your guess is correct, but, just after writing the post here, I looked at that wiki you’re mentioning, and found that all was indeed well. More importantly, my uncertainty wasn’t about which wiki was better or more complete or up-to-date, but about (very) slight disharmony between the story and the game, because the story promised me something (deep amber) and the game gave me none of it. And that’s why I consulted the wikis in the first place. Obviously, when the rewards were changed, the text wasn’t. Nothing to be alarmed by, but we all want this game to be perfect, don’t we? Anyway, I am now perfectly satisfied with my 3 * warm amber…
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 4/15/2014
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 4/15/2014
edited by Ridiculus Undarke on 4/15/2014