War of Illusion: more then 6? (sp)

In the Flit, there is a storylet which requires at least 6 &quotEmbroiled in the Wars of Illusion.&quot One option therein is a very reliable source of something rare and valuable to me; I greatly do not want this to disappear. Not for a very long time, if I can help it.

It says it requires 6, but it doesn’t say exactly 6. Can I trust that it won’t go away if I proceed with this venture?

The ‘‘Bats and Cats’’ storylet will not disappear when you raise the embroilment towards higher levels. So you can still indeed have fun with your starveling cat whenever you feel like you’re not hungry enough.

Happy seeking , fellow delicious friend.

Ha. You know me too well.

Well, thank you, Siegron. That’s about all I needed, this time.

An equally helpful storylet is if you can get Mahogany Hall open. If you choose to educate Lyme, after you’ve been doing this for a bit you can send Lyme to the market, which will make you less hungry, which is helpful if you want to get regular opportunity cards ever again. These are my two favorite storylets because it turns what would be a weekly all-day affair that takes up a lot of time I could put into other efforts into a quick in-and-out-and back-to-committing-other-acts-of-insanity.

Yes, I’m aware of this storylet… though, I had heard it no longer functions that way? Well, we will see soon enough: The Mahogany Hall will be open before long, luck permitting. I have business there, and I can stop and see Lyme at some point.

I can personally assure you that as of last Wednesday, it was doing a bang-up job for me at least. There is a thing that if you educate Lyme too much, the storylet will become unavailable and you’ll have to finish the storyline and start it over, but this is nae problemo because you can educate Lyme as much as you jolly well like. I guess he just forgets really really quickly.

While you are at it, I want to remind you of the easy to lock story when progressing The wars of Illusion: Theosophistical Society. There’s no conclusion to it yet, but it’s a nice extra which one should know about it in the first place!

I’ve always just choked down rubbery lumps in the Labyrinth, which lowers UP by 2 a pop - is educating Lyme more efficient than this?

Lyme will reduce it by three, so it’s slightly more efficient and doesn’t require you to be in a specific part of the Labyrinth. You do have to build up to it, but that gives you a lot of glim, so it all works out. Probably not that huge of a difference all things considered, but there is one.

That’s indeed more efficient. Good to know!

In the interest of not starting a new topic for such a minor thing: is there an easier way into the Mahogany Hall then the Lodgings option? I can afford it, of course. But that shopping list looks like a dredge to go and buy individually. I’d pay twice that in echoes if it wasn’t spread across so many items.

At any rate, most routes seem to be opened automatically, or in an easier manner. But I suppose the Flit wasn’t…

[quote=asinineFlatfoot]In the interest of not starting a new topic for such a minor thing: is there an easier way into the Mahogany Hall then the Lodgings option? I can afford it, of course. But that shopping list looks like a dredge to go and buy individually. I’d pay twice that in echoes if it wasn’t spread across so many items.

At any rate, most routes seem to be opened automatically, or in an easier manner. But I suppose the Flit wasn’t…[/quote]

Sadly as far as I’m aware the Mahogany Hall is the only one that actually needs to be unlocked from your lodgings. I finished the Court with a character and thought that it would be unlocked when I return from the place I went, but it wasn’t, instead I got the option to do small other things while I arrange my way into the Hall with the massive donation of gloves, weasels, rats etc etc

The Mahogany Hall opportunity card will also let you open it for 5 Fate, which is I thiiiiink(?) the total amount you get free from completing all the storylines that give out Fate, so if you’ve finished them and don’t have anything better to do with it, you can do that. But if you haven’t, it’s definitely not worth waiting.

The whispered hints requirement is the most irritating. I’m not aware of any remotely-expedient way to get them in bulk, without selling something more valuable and purchasing them. What a chore.

Try Searching for Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter. A lot of the options there give them out.

Also, membership in the Parthenon gives out 150 of them.