Want a cute, horrible pet rat? Demonic intrigue!

I’m looking for someone who would be willing to try out a creepy story called &quotThe Devilish Puppeteers&quot, where you meet a nice, mild-mannered, female rat who has a habit of eating out the insides of ladies and gentlemen and replacing their innards with her fellow demonic rats and devilish clock-work to puppet the bodies and imprison the poor souls of those victims to a special end. The kindly, demonic little creature seeks you out due to the ‘mystical power spiral’ under the earth of your residence. Something she needs to use to help her people, the Sto’en tribe, cross over into Fallen London and begin their &quotExodus&quot from a land she claims her people were &quotVERY unappreciated at&quot, and into your home… oh, and they need human bodies… Lots of them. but you won’t mind, because you’re the generous householder, right?
However, even within the Sto’en tribe, there has come a certain division of belief that has turned this rat against many of her kin… a belief concerning what humans will be used for if the Sto’en tribe and it’s god prophet’s master plan succeeds.

She is nameless, and you get to name her, of course.

Basically, I’ll role play the mild-mannered little beast, and we can try out a story in private or on the public boards if we deem that worth while. This rat character might then be able to join and serve you in other people’s story lines, but if not, I have PLENTY of mystery and international, supernatural, and spiritual intrigue story wise, as I’m a great story teller and would enjoy testing this character and her ‘unique culture’ with you.

OOC: I am in America, Pacific standard time. So there’s that. Drop me a note in private or on here if you’d like to try out &quotthe devilish Puppeteers&quot story line and &quotDemon Rat&quot pet. I could probably run up to 2 or 3 such stories. :)
edited by Mushika on 7/23/2013