[spoiler]C.S. 1
"Oh, you’re preaching to the choir, sister. I, too, support the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. Allow me to post my name to these bulletins so that all fellow campaigners can know they may request donations from me at any time. Stay strong in these times of turmoil. "
C.S. 2
"Well, hello. I would be delighted to join you in support of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. I’m currently working as a fixer, but I must confess I haven’t done much fixing yet. If you have any advice I will certainly take it to heart. This is my first election."
C.S. 3
"To think of London as a whole, yes, the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner would prove most beneficial. But to lower my scope to the precious few for whom I care, well, I must also concede to your argument. Despite some rather unfortunate rumours with regards to my associations with certain denizens of the infernal variety, my loyalties have always lain with those who showed me the greatest kindness when I was at my most helpless and destitute. They say the streets raise its children to be cruel. I offer an alternative hypothesis - the streets reveal that among us are the truly good, however unlikely it may seem at times. The manors smother us with formality after formality, to save us the effort of caring. I suppose that is one of the reasons why I still linger in my old rooftop shack. To summarise; you have my vote and any resources I can muster for the cause."
C.S. 4
“Dear Ms Auclair, As a fellow supporter of the Dauntless Campaigner I am glad to see you reaching out to others and I am delighted to tell you that I have convinced a Feducci-supporter to come to our side as well. The recent polls had me worried, our city might fall into the hands of evil directly or indirectly, but I do see there is still hope. Thank you for your work!
C.S. 5
"M’lady, your words have steered me deeply inside. I can assure you that I will henceforth put my humble efforts into supporting the Dauntless Temperance Madam in her mayoral bid. Progress for London’s socially deprived is the most noble course possible - that, and lovely, civilized tea. (You don’t think she would mind if I spike my tea with a sip of brandy - for health reasons only, of course?)"
C.S. 6
"You do not have to convince me, for she is already my candidate and shall remain that way. The papers may say she struggles, and spread unconfirmed rumors, but improving the lot for all will never be anything but a struggle. We will continue on."
C.S. 7
"While of course I appreciate your attempts at conversion to our Dauntless Lady, I’m afraid you’ve found yourself preaching to the choir - I am, myself, a staunch supporter of our good Campaigner. Whilst I fear we may not be able to win this election (and I should be more than happy to be proven wrong), I could not possibly see myself pledging support toward the false-friend to the Tomb Colonies that we have in Feducci nor a woman who stands firm in the belief that our constabulary needs more power than it holds already. A kinder London is already a fair London and the logical conclusion, perhaps, is not the sensible one. I wish you a fair day and good luck in your campaigning!"
C.S. 8
"Dear Anne Auclair, Your passionate spiel as to the virtuous morals of the dauntless Temperance campaigner has quite convinced me that she is indeed the best candidate; she certainly sounds to be better than the cad Feducci, who’s only honour is inside the dueling ring. And so I pledge my loyalty to this cause, and look forward to taking tea with our esteemed candidate. Yours faithfully, [Name]"
C.S. 9
"The Warhelm is hardly the most outstanding, one would find more shocking millinery in the sidestreets of the Bazaar. The Belfry opens up a tantalising buffet of spying options, but the Bristling Bearskin! You could brush the teeth of Storm with it!"
C.S. 10
"The doctor, a man approaching forty with an open expression and a sincere manner, is grateful for an excuse to have some coffee. He looks like he’s been working hard. "For the last time, I don’t endorse Feducci. The Campaigner’s a bit overzealous, yes…but it’s a far sight better than the others. She believes in equality and kindness." He sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair. Judging by its mussed state, he probably does that often. "But I’m a physician – and God knows that lot get themselves banged up a great deal." A shake of the head. "I don’t have it in me to turn them away. It started innocently enough, but now everyone seems to think I support that violent Tomb-Colonist…and I don’t. He /kills/ people, you know. For good!" The thought clearly upsets the man."
C.S. 11
"See, ye’ll find the 'orned ones evr’ywhere. At Southwark’s, near Ladybone’s, 'round the corner in Spite, even ‘ere, sipping tea and lookin’ like a proper Londoner–If yer willing to bend your definition of ‘Londoner’ to include creatures like him, the Rubberies, and so on–. Is yer lady Temperance willing to fight ‘em when the time comes? Is she -capable- of gatherin’ the men to do so, when she canna figure out where to dump all the honey? I don’t claim Feducci is a good man. He ain’t. But he’s the man we need in charge. ((Hey Anne! Glad to see you over here. Keep up the good work!))"
C.S. 12
"Dear Ms.; Thank you so much for your invitation, and your well-phrased arguments! Indeed, I have been unconvinced by my current candidate; as much as I value the work the Detective has done for the city, I am uncertain whether she truly has the interest of all citizens in mind when she plans her course of action. The Campaigner, on the other hand, is proving herself to be truly caring for the people, human or otherwise. Furthermore, her connections seem to be more radical and more serious in their drive for change than I first thought. You and this combined have, in fact, swayed me. So thank you again for your words, and I hope to see you at the Campaigner’s headquarters in the near future. Kind regards, [Name]."
C.S. 13
"I heartily endorse the Campaigner! As for Feducci, I heartily agree with you. I am disgusted (though not surprised) that Feducci has progressed so far. I much mislike the notion of a spy for the Presbyterate who fought in the vanguard for the Devils against London actually RULING London. And a slave driver…! Not to mention that I myself have heard, about his headquarters, butchers and campaigners discussing ways to, and I quote, "carve up the electorate." I greatly fear for the rights and safety of the people of the Neath should this profligate slave driver and torturer win. I am sickened that he is running at all. Have you any plans for defeating this creature? And if you do, may I please help?"
C.S. 14
"I didn’t trust Feducci’s reckless campaign from the start, but was uncertain which of his two opponents to support. Knowing that our beloved mayor Sinning Jenny has endorsed the Temperance Campaigner (however subtly) is good enough for me. I had already begun to grow skeptical of the Detectives methods and motives, so I will switch my support immediately!"
C.S. 15
"I’ve seen it all, my friend. Every last inch of suffering, and I’ve dedicated myself to the cause of London’s future. I have no doubt that the Temperance Campaigner will be a more than fitting successor to Jennifer’s legacy of improving the city’s downtrodden, and its future. If you attract some… less than wanted attention this election cycle, I implore you to consult me. I can… fix things. Even the little things, anything for a future better than now. –[Initials]"
C.S. 16
"You have made your case clearly and adroitly, and have not left me unmoved. As much as it pains me to withdraw my support from one who brings such marvelous strangeness as Feducci does, I see that we may have better hopes of a coming strangeness if and when the Rubbery and the Clay in kind have more of a voice in the Fifth City. I am, after all, part Clay now, and have been before part Rubbery, shows clay arm. And who knows what delicious madness may take place from so much honey in one place? cackles gleefully. Your case is made. I will join with the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner."
C.S. 17
"My dear Anne, may I call you Anne? I have great respects for the cause of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. I most certainly do not support the ‘eat or be eaten’-mentality that Feducci wants to establish. I am however a friend of our Neathly Delights and do not want to see any unnecessary restrictions to them. Also, our constabulary is clearly in the need of someone capable to cleanse out the corruption within, which I hoped the Detective might achieve. This is why I threw my hat in the ring for her. But even more so I value the personal rights that we each enjoy. Humans, that is. The support of rights for the Clay Men and the Rubbery Men that has emerged during the Campaigner’s campaign did touch my soul there. And such a heartfelt plea for support I cannot ignore. Alas, there go my spent resources. Even though I doubt that we will be able to turn this trireme around, let us hope for the best."
C.S. 18
"My dear lady, I must confess that I have become increasingly wary of Feducci and contrite for supporting his campaign. As much as it pains me to go back of my word and despite the little love I have for Temperance, I must solemnly agree that the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner is the kindest choice. Please excuse the myopia that has afflicted me. You may henceforth count me among your numbers. Your humble servant, [Name]"
C.S. 19
"I’m intrigued. The news that the Rubbery Men and the Clay Men are supporting the Campaigner seems quite significant, as do your thoughts on Feducci’s campaign. I’ll admit I had not yet decided who to support, but you have given me much to consider. Barring any other revelations, I think you can safely count on my efforts and my vote going for the Campaigner."
C.S. 20
"Dear Miss Auclair, After some preliminary consideration, I have been avoiding much of the election to-do. In all frankness, I am more invigorated by a stay at the Royal Beth than embroilment in politics. (Not to mention I have yet to gain the knack for the social side of Neathly living.) That said, I hasten to add that I both applaud your determination in political advocacy and am most grateful for your news concerning the election’s progress. Though my own political vigour may be lacking, I promise what little support my allegiance might bring to the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner in lieu of her investment in our fine Rubbery denizens. À bientôt"
C.S. 21
"Thank you for the invitation, Delicious Friend. Let us raise our cups to Sinning Jenny. May her many wonderful deeds as mayor be honored and remembered. And who better to continue to advocate for those who need it than the Dauntless herself? "
C.S. 22
"Madame, I cannot pass up the opportunity to discuss plans for the improvement of our fair city, and the cleansing of corruption in the highest and lowest of its places. The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner is the salvation of London; we must make sure that all know of her selflessness and magnanimity."
C.S. 23 [requesting a donation]
"A Hungover Terrier, looking quite deliberately pitiful, sits next to a collection basket, which itself is ensconced comfortably next to a young woman in red spidersilk, perched next to the tea table, with "Dauntless Temperance for Mayor" and "Society for Traumatic Metafiction" pins on her hat. "I’m collecting for the Bohemians," she explains, expertly scritching the Terrier behind the ears. "Oh, honey and wine are alright in moderation, but I’ve known too many actors and artists driven to drink by the scandalous lack of appreciation this city has for our work! Like this poor chap. Don’t suppose you’d see your way to a few pence for the cause, love?""
C.S. 24 [requesting a donation]
"To the Esteemed Anne Auclair, I write to you on behalf of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. I am sure you are quite aware of the current campaigns for mayor, and I know that you are likely hard-pressed for your support during this campaign. I write to you today hopefully as a brief respite from the repetitive and arduous endurance that I’m sure you’re exerting this campaigning season. You are invited to a society gathering in the name of sense, sensibility, restraint, and reason; both as a welcome guest of your own right and in support of our shared representative, the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. I hope that we can count on your support. Should you have any questions, doubts, or objections, you may trust me to keep them in confidence and answer them to the best of my ability. I hope this correspondence finds you well, and I want to add that I am willing and able to provide whatever private assistance you may require, including a consoling ear, shoulder, hand, or boot, as appropriate. Respectfully, [Name]"
C.S. 25
"Friend, thank you for your invitation. Though my views differ on the effects of the reforms that our previous Mayor had wrought, I agree that much more work has to be done before the poor can rise above their artificially imposed condition. No one should be forced to suffer in order to live - and the temptations that surround them do not help much either. As such, I will be glad to accept your invitation."
C.S. 26
"A letter arrives at the dead of the "night", it reads: "Greetings Miss Auclair, I have followed your progress through the campaign for our excellent candidate, and I am heartened by your zeal to such a worthwhile cause. However, i must express my dissatisfaction with your stand on the Council. It seem you ignore the fact that there are indeed some moderate revolutionaries in there, although buried under the viciousness of certain wintery months. I have always believed in the Council, because, although the need for violence is painful, I simply cannot deny that we are facing a terrifying enemy of the fair people of London, and some methods are unfortunately necessary. I had hoped the victory of the Campaigner could have changed the inner working of the Council, showing them that change is indeed possible without such brutal methods. I beg you to not judge a movement based on the actions of bad seeds who only care for violence, that have forgotten that we fight for the wellbeing of the people. I hope we can remain in contact. Compliments, [Initials]."
C.S. 27
"Dear Ms. Auclair: Thank you very much for the coffee. You’ll be happy to know that you’re preaching to the choir. While I have many Infernal friends, there’s no way I could support the man that has been relentlessly butchering my spouse’s brethren. This is why I have chosen to agitate for that busybody Campaigner, despite her honey-thieving ways. I just hope she will be as kind to the Snuffers as she is to the Rubberies. - Sincerely, [Name]"
C.S. 28
"Though you’ll be pleased to hear I already support the campaigner, you might be less pleased to hear my reasons. To be completely frank, I don’t give a damn about her cause. I love honey, wine, and crime. But old bat is the only one looking out for the little guy, and is awfully amusing, to boot. The last thing I want is a London run by constables or bloody foreigners. So a toast to the Dauntless Temperance Campainger! May she win the day, then accomplish little."
C.S. 29
"Ms. Auclair, Though I supported a certain Contrarian in the last election, I have since found Sinning Jenny to be a more than satisfactory Mayor. She has earned my personal respect through her policies and other matters. Nothing saucy, I assure you, but I fear I cannot specify. I have gathered additional intelligence on our bandaged "friend." I am ashamed to admit that certain vital points had eluded me until now. Slavery? Foreign loyalties? I had hoped that Feducci would give second-class citizens (Rubbery Men, Clay Men, and the generation that hopes to one day become Men) a fair chance without bogging our city down with unnecessary and potentially-harmful restrictions. You can see what I received instead: deception and immense disrespect for our dear Mayor. Our Campaigner is far from perfect, but her heart is in the right place, and that’s just the place we need to be in these trying times. There are some questionable campaign efforts of mine that need undoing. Where’s that evil twin when you need him, hmm? Should you notice any unwarranted scrutiny that my actions have drawn, I will devote my every effort to "fixing" them, as it were. As promised, I’ll meet you to discuss the transition on the ___st. I will gladly treat you at Caligula’s, where I still intend to consume coffee and baked treats in excess. Ha! With gratitude, -[Name]"
C.S. 30
"Well that certainly does seem damning I admittedly picked Feducci mostly because he seemed the most interesting candidate and not because of any policies or expectations of what he would do. After reading up on Feducci’s rather shadowy backing and lack of expertise in managing London he does seem to be a rather undesirable character to have as mayor. However I do find the DTC’s campaign against Gin and Honey to be a completely unacceptable curtailing of the basic freedom to do basically do whatever you want as long as it does not harm someone else and while I agree that getting drunk and say for example attacking a constable to be unacceptable behavior I find being arrested merely for enjoying some of the pleasures of life to be ridiculous. However However I do also support helping out the Rubbery Men and the Clay Men both of whom constitute a rather poorly treated subclass of citizen in Fallen London so I think I will switch my support in this election in order to aid them. Well Done, [Name]"
C.S. 31
"The letter reaches him at the worst possible time, in a sour mood after an exhausting day of campaigning. It’s likely just an honest mistake that he received it–they must send it to as many people as possible, surely–but his feet hurt, he’s had a string of bad luck at the doors, and the introspection that came with changing his candidate exhausted him more than he realised. And he was doing so well as a fixer! In the emotional moment, he forgets that it was his choice to become a campaigner as an act of penance, and only feels irrationally angry with the letter writer. -I already switched sides, what more do you ~want!- After removing his scuffed boots with a groan, he picks up pen and paper to write a hasty reply. "Rest assured I already changed my vote to your liking, but I want you to know that I do not support her in my heart. I chose the candidate I believe to cause the least harm to the likes of me. So many supporters of hers look down their noses at me or my friends, because they think us poor and uncultured or see us as children who must be saved from their own decisions, taking away the honey and wine but not the reasons why we have to drink and dream. And I relish every day I don’t have to see clergy or society types. I know it won’t make much of a difference–a vote is a vote–but it matters to me. I just wanted you to know. Regards, [Name], a lowly thief."
C.S. 32
"My dearest Lady Auclair, It pains me to admit my doubts as to the course on which I am set. To speak quite frankly, I voted in haste at the whims of an acquaintance in exchange for a particular set of antiquarian coins that I had little need of. I admire Feducci as an individual, but do we truly want a mayor loyal to a foreign power? God only knows what whims the Presbyterite will be able to indulge with one of their own in our (third) grandest seat of influence? Feducci’s influence reaches far and wide. Some days ago I expressed my doubts as to the virtue of his cause, and contemplated that of the Implacable Detective (one may find her ‘Grand Prosecution’ to be of interest). Word came back to him, and the following day my public influence was greatly diminished, merely for the thought of dissent. I fear for what he could do to my reputation should I publicly renounce my associations - one does not survive the Black Ribbon undeservedly. He is, above all else, a dangerous man(?), and I will have to act cautiously to distance myself from him. You have intrigued my interest in the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner; I will continue to investigate all three movements, then come to a decision. What concerns me about your candidate is that, in all the time I have observed her actions, she has not once mentioned the plight of our fair city’s urchins. Your truly, [Name]"
[they later sent me their card]… "-wrapped in a bundle of tea leaves is a small blue feather. a Soot-Stained Urchin places it delicately on your doorstep, knocks and makes her escape.-" [signaling that they switched][/spoiler]
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/2/2018