Vial Of Bazaar Tears For Intriguer's Compendium

To the many people inhabiting the great fallen city of London, whether human, clay, rubbery, Hellbound, and otherwise-greetings! You may call me the Often-Overlooked Plenipotentiary, a relatively new emigrant to the Neath, coming from the surface down the Cumaem Waterlocks in the early summer last year. Next month will mark the general time I first escaped from New Newgate, and although I have spent WAY too much money on fate, I have fallen in love with this deep, dark, and marvelous place. However, I’ve only just recently made an account on the Failbetter Forums, because I felt like I never had to in the first place. The stories and episodes have always been enough to sate my insatiable appetite for content, but in trying to reach my ambition’s conclusion, I feel like I hit into a brick wall that I can’t pass without help.

It’s surreal to be writing this. I’m not used to asking for help from random strangers like it’s this sin of inconveniencing other people to help someone who can’t help himself. My ambition is the last one to reach its conclusion; the Heart’s Desire. Reading little fragments of how it will end on the Wicked Book (Wiki) only furthered my excitement, especially when I found out that POWER will turn myself into a Master. Those anthropomorphic space-bat capitalists have always been the highlight of learning about it, and the fact that my ambition can make my character become one of them was quite the surprise, to put it mildly.

But of course, I’ve run into an obstacle that I thought I could overcome but failed spectacularly. To advance the story, to prepare for the final match of the marvelous, to learn Gregory Beechwood’s technique, it requires me to have an Intriguer’s Compendium. Vital Intelligence is no problem; I can grind The Empress’ Court until I have enough money for the rest, but the Intriguer’s Compendium came across to me as…well, an unnecessarily steep pay gate. That’s as far as I’ll go with that opinion, but I went up to the challenge. I found in the comments of the Wiki Page for the item in question that it can be found by completing the Season of Ruins.

After spending another humiliating amount of money on fate to afford the stories, I managed to reach the end, where I was presented with three choices. And I made the wrong one. To get the intriguer’s compendium, I needed to kill the serpent at the end of the Manager’s dream, but instead, I fed it my own, giving me a vial of the tears of the Bazaar. An equally rare and expensive item, but not the one I needed. Now the only way I see is to pay a slightly less steep amount of money to go through the stories all over again to get to the end of the season and make the right choice.

So, instead of doing that, I’m doing this. This is a plea for help to anyone who is willing to trade a Vial of Tears of the Bazaar for an Intriguer’s Compendium. I don’t know If anyone willing will ever read this, perhaps this isn’t the right thing to do to advance the story, but I’m trying not to spend so much money on this game, as impressive as it is, and I’m hoping that someone can be generous for a newcomer.

Even if nothing comes of this post, It has been a fantastic year in the city of Fallen London, and I plan on staying for the foreseeable future.

Trading items isn’t much of a thing in this game, I’m afraid. (By this, I mean you can’t actually do it, not that there isn’t a market for it) There are other places you can get it, though, here’s the list of sources:'s_Compendium_Sources

I got mine with Scraps.
edited by MidnightVoyager on 5/19/2020

Since the release of Sunless Skies, it turns out that this is currently very easy to get.

  1. Buy a Starry-Eyed Scoundrel from the Bazaar
  2. Use this link to get 3x Sky-Story:
    Note: More codes are here:
  3. In your possessions, click on the Sky-Story and choose:Pour out all you know to the Starry-Eyed Scoundrel


[quote=Langoroth]Since the release of Sunless Skies, it turns out that this is currently very easy to get.

  1. Buy a Starry-Eyed Scoundrel from the Bazaar
  2. Use this link to get 3x Sky-Story:
    Note: More codes are here:
  3. In your possessions, click on the Sky-Story and choose:Pour out all you know to the Starry-Eyed Scoundrel


Many thanks!

[quote=Langoroth]Since the release of Sunless Skies, it turns out that this is currently very easy to get.

  1. Buy a Starry-Eyed Scoundrel from the Bazaar
  2. Use this link to get 3x Sky-Story:
    Note: More codes are here:
  3. In your possessions, click on the Sky-Story and choose:Pour out all you know to the Starry-Eyed Scoundrel


This. The Starry Eyed Scoundrel can be bought in the Bazaar. :)