[User Style] Remove Specific Discard Buttons

This removes the Discard button from a number of cards so there’s no risk to click the button by mistake. This is mostly for cards you want to keep around and not discard by accident; such as the mood cards.

The buttons removed as of 1 October 2018:

  • Docks (Parabolan Panthers)[/li][li]Bohemians (Parabolan Panthers)[/li][li]Society (Parabolan Panthers / Mirrorcatch Boxes)[/li][li]The Tower of Sun and Moon: a Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem Hotel[/li][li]The Lofty Tower: The Potential of Premises at the Bazaar[/li][li]A Moment’s Peace[/li][li]Call In Favours in the Flit[/li][li]A dream about a window at night[/li][li]A Little Omen (mood)[/li][li]A Dusty Bookshop (mood)[/li][li]A Contact in the Great Game has a Tale for you[/li][li]Disgraceful Spectacle (Jack Vance memorial)[/li][li]More Larks with the Young Stags[/li][li]The Bonfire of the Decencies (Proscribed Materials and London Street Signs; rare)[/li][li]A Commotion Above! (Gems, wines, or phosphorent scarabs; rare)[/li][li]A Flash of White (Salt Weasel)[/li][li]The Mournfully Rubbery Instrument (Rubbery Euphonium)[/li][li]A Raggedy Creature (Haunted-looking Dog)[/li][li]A Really Nice Haircut (50CP to a stat)[/li][li]The Battle Hymn of the Drownies (50CP to Dangerous)[/li][li]The Skin of the Bazaar (Scholar of the Correspondence actions)[/li][li]A Visit[/li][li]The Soft-Hearted Widow[/li][li]The Neath’s Mysteries (High-EPA social actions)[/li][li]An Unsigned Message (increasing stats past 200)[/li][li]A Dream of Blood (rare card, and yes, it’s six digits)

What’s a User Style and how do I use it?
A User Style is a small bit of code that changes to layout of one or more webpages. To use them you need a userstyle manager; I recommend using Stylus.

Install link

Other User Styles I made
Remove Specific Go Buttons.
Conflict Card Echo values & Hidden Favours revealed.
No Ability Improvements on Faction Cards.
Hidden Top Bar.
Survivor of the Affair of the Box highlighter.
edited by Corran on 10/1/2018

I see you got the list of cards from the old extension, so a few suggested changes:

  • A Moment’s Peace isn’t too relevant for nightmares reduction anymore[/li][li]A Contact in the Great Game has a Tale for you is now undiscardable anyway[/li][li]The Soft-Hearted Widow is pretty irrelevant now that K&C is gone

Also, some suggested cards to add:

  • Slowcake’s Amanuensis[/li][li]The other faction cards, now that Favours exist[/li][li]Faction pets[/li][li]The Renown: Criminals 20 card[/li][li]The Galatea card from the Gift, and any other particularly profitable Favour sources[/li][li]The mayor card[/li][li]Currently irrelevant, but the two FotER cards

Also also, don’t forget to apply for whitelisting, and to put pending in the title until then!

Thank you for forking the extensions for the new layout.

The Soft-Hearted Widow
is much beloved for the

  • kisses ?[/li][li]Adrift on a Sea of Misery increase, cause some of us are charitable

Some faction cards are quite useless if you do not have parabolan panther and are stat capped on the renown front.
But that should not be a problem, I can comment them after installing the style.

To add to Optimatum’s list:

I would add:
13238 - Restoring souls - annihilates menaces and provides high amount of favours
99967 - A visit from Slowcake’s Amanuensis - Notability and making waves
I will add for myself, but do not think it should be in default:
20230 - An Implausible Penance - source of Magnificent Diamonds from 7 favours option
edited by Zarremgregarrok on 11/19/2018

[quote=Zarremgregarrok]The Soft-Hearted Widow
is much beloved for the

  • kisses ?[/li][li]Adrift on a Sea of Misery increase, cause some of us are charitable

The Soft-Hearted Widow was mainly added to the old extension because it had an option useful for Knife and Candle, which is now gone. These days, it’s only really relevant for AoaSoM, which several other cards now give as well. So YMMV I guess.

(Also, please use the edit button instead of making a bunch of separate posts. It can get really confusing.)

Oh, thank you! I don’t have to worry about accidentally discarding my Mood cards now.

Yes, I have two Mood cards. I’ve been hoarding them for months.

[quote=Optimatum]I see you got the list of cards from the old extension, so a few suggested changes:

I added the cards to my own style yonks ago, hence the somewhat random list.

[ul][li]A Moment’s Peace; I guess any little bit helps?
[/li][li]A Contact in the Great Game has a Tale for you; that can definitely go then.
[/li][li]The Soft-Hearted Widow; it’s a card I always play, would anyone want to discard it?

[ul][li]Slowcake’s Amanuensis; Personally I don’t use the card, I guess it’s useful if you often spend your Notability?[/li][li]The other faction cards, now that Favours exist; fair point.
[/li][li]Faction pets; I’d need the event-id’s as I only have one pet, obviously.
[/li][li]The Renown: Criminals 20 card; good one.
[/li][li]The Galatea card from the Gift, and any other particularly profitable Favour sources; yup.
[/li][li]The mayor card; definitely.
[/li][li]Currently irrelevant, but the two FotER cards; the acronym is for? (I just always write out the names completely, so I have no clue.)

I just noticed on my phone that the event-id’s are not in the source so it looks like it won’t be possible to get rid of the discard X’s.

The only upside is that they are a lot smaller and hopefully less likely to hit on accident.

Not sure what changed, but this extension seems to have stopped working today.

[quote=Optimatum]I see you got the list of cards from the old extension, so a few suggested changes:

  • A Moment’s Peace isn’t too relevant for nightmares reduction anymore[/li][li]A Contact in the Great Game has a Tale for you is now undiscardable anyway[/li][li]The Soft-Hearted Widow is pretty irrelevant now that K&C is gone

Also, some suggested cards to add:

  • Slowcake’s Amanuensis[/li][li]The other faction cards, now that Favours exist[/li][li]Faction pets[/li][li]The Renown: Criminals 20 card[/li][li]The Galatea card from the Gift, and any other particularly profitable Favour sources[/li][li]The mayor card[/li][li]Currently irrelevant, but the two FotER cards

Also also, don’t forget to apply for whitelisting, and to put pending in the title until then![/quote]

The Widow provides a little Making Waves if you give her enough glim, and to some people that’s a reason to continue to use the card. (It was for me before I made it to Paramount Presence.)

It’s looking OK to me via Stylus on Chrome and Firefox and the selectors return the expected stuff in the console. Is Stylus working OK generally? (Just wondering whether its permissions have been updated recently, although it doesn’t seem to have been updated since December.)

It’s looking OK to me via Stylus on Chrome and Firefox and the selectors return the expected stuff in the console. Is Stylus working OK generally? (Just wondering whether its permissions have been updated recently, although it doesn’t seem to have been updated since December.)[/quote]

Stylus is definitely working, as the Remove Specific Go Buttons style is working perfectly. But this one seems to have broken somehow; cards I expect to be protected aren’t. I checked a couple and the card IDs are the same and still listed in the style’s code.

Reinstalling the style and copying my added code over fixed the problem. Somehow. My computer may be haunted.