Useless Items

What useless items are there?
By this I mean things that have no function, and no reliable source (devilbone dice, dreadful surmises etc.)

What is out there, and how many do you have?

Delmar Tramontane has 13 Bats with Attitude. I would prefer this on my main account, but the bats seem to like him. Though they are more reliable than Devilbone Dice, it’s still a pretty rare outcome of that card.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 7/7/2015

Dreadful Surmises have a very useful function: you use it with Pails of So-Called Snow to increase your ‘Putting the Pieces Together: The Taste of Lacre’ quality, once the quality is too high for other means.

It’s true, though, that beyond a single Dreadful Surmise, any others have no use.

And to add to your list of such items: A Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book

As far as I know, Trembling Amber (The Blue Kind),

[spoiler] The Fluke Core and the Rubbery Skull [spoiler]
are usless

[quote=Sara Hysaro]Delmar Tramontane has 13 Bats with Attitude. I would prefer this on my main account, but the bats seem to like him. Though they are more reliable than Devilbone Dice, it’s still a pretty rare outcome of that card.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 7/7/2015[/quote]

I really wish Bats with Attitude got some new options, like the ravens and the &quotKindness of…&quot card. maybe you could take a few of them and turn them into a Caucus of Bats, to go into the &quotParliament of Bats&quot card on your behalf and act as a private messenger/spy network&quot
edited by IHNIWTR on 7/7/2015

The Bat with Attitude even says “it has its uses” in the description.

I hold onto a Blue and Shining Stone due to loving the description, even though it’d be more profitable to sell it and wait for the card that produces it to come along again. I have a River in a Box lying around, don’t particularly want to sell that oddity either. Venge-Rat Corpses. Quest mementos like Broken Toys, Exquisite Toys, a few remaining Myrrh-Scented Roses, etc.

Well, to be fair, both the River in a Box and the Venge-Rat Corpse - along with several other strange odds and ends - DO have a use… just, really really rarely. De Gustibus.

Though I dunno if that counts, since it’s anybody’s guess when THAT place will open again.

De Gustibus is actually more like your friendly scrap-vendor who takes all that trash off your hands that you’d otherwise have to pile up in the attic… so well, technically the term use is applicable but

The rewards for some of the De Gustibus stuff are pretty substantial.

Also isn’t the baptized rat corpse useless?

I have 8. I call them…Battitude.

Is there any use to “a headful of picaresque tales”?

Nope. Same thing goes for the ‘Blue and Shining Stone’ that you can alternately pick up from the same card. (The two are mutually exclusive, though - the card won’t appear again as long as you have one or the other.)

A few of us picked up False Leads when the Bazaar made a certain… mistake. Even the description says they’re useless (but I’m hanging on to mine for rarity value).