As commented above, the Outfit-Lock adds more tedium to routines and Opportunity Cards. One can either remember (or look up) the action requirements beforehand, or Perhaps Not out to be better equipped. The new outfit-swap is the same number of clicks as the old one, but the old process involved tabs and a menu all near each other at the top of the screen, while the new process involves a button at the bottom (possibly after some scrolling), menu on the left, and button on the top if it’s a card, or to the right… somewhere, depending upon how crowded the area is and how far down your desired Action is. It’s not a lot, but it’s strictly a worse experience.
The new search functionality is nice, though, and arranging a few outfits makes me think 6 is "mostly workable", even if 1 or 2 of those inevitably become ever-mutating "Flavour of the Day" outfits.
On content which locks you in a series of tests, planning for four skills with an evenly spread +122 outfit and watching one’s character stumble through like an idiot feels terrible. Rather than being prepared for anything, it’s just a constant reminder of how you could be better, and should be better, but aren’t. If one only needs to prepare for two skills, and can mangle an outfit to be great at one skill and "good enough" at the secondary, the experience improves dramatically.