Upcoming Balance Changes to Fallen London

You can get locked from Cobbles forever in a Fate story. Must be something available to all.

Not sure how I feel about this one. The Shrine is already BiS in two categories and arguably outshines all other Profession items just from lack of competition for that slot (my poor, poor Pot of Violant Ink…).
I spent a good deal of time leveling up Great Game Renown precisely so that I wouldn’t lose the Watchful bonus when I switched off of Midnighter. Making the Shrine even more OP by removing one of its biggest competitors seems like a step backwards. I’m glad the Oneiric Key didn’t get similarly nerfed.

Addendum: If the idea is to reduce competition for BiS, I should also note that one of the new Nemesis rewards does everything the Great Game does and more.
edited by MrUnderhill89 on 12/4/2020

Remember when they buffed the Revolutionary favors cash-in, but added suspicion gain to balance it out? The suspicion gain is still there, according to the wiki.

Not sure how I feel about this one. The Shrine is already BiS in two categories and arguably outshines all other Profession items just from lack of competition for that slot (my poor, poor Pot of Violant Ink…). I spent a good deal of time leveling up Great Game Renown precisely so that I wouldn’t lose the Watchful bonus when I switched off of Midnighter. Making the Shrine even more OP seems like a step backwards. I’m glad the Oneiric Key didn’t get similarly nerfed.

Addendum: If the idea is to reduce competition for BiS, I should also note that one of the new Nemesis rewards does everything the Great Game does and more.
edited by MrUnderhill89 on 12/4/2020[/quote]
Yeah, I’m not happy about this change for the same reason.

By the by, has anyone noticed the option for subletting your premises at the Bazaar? Just what are the Masters keeping in their vaults, exactly?

I’m happy with the slot change, for what it’s worth. It’s a renown 40 item; it should be best in slot.

Another thing that hasn’t been mentioned is that now, the Observe a Parade option at Jericho requires only 3 Dock Favours and gives 2 points of Guild Esteem, so the nerf in expedition supplies is somewhat offset by this (I for one prefer this arrangement).

On the other hand, while the infinite deck during Heists is nice, that you (allegedly) only have three cards there now makes the Heists a lot more inconsistent and harder for advanced players, and removes one of the major benefits of upgrading towards 5-card Lodgings.

[quote=Waterpls]Nice work, but… i have not only 13 humeries, but also 63 orapples, which in turn lost value too…
edited by Waterpls on 12/4/2020[/quote]

Actually, the Orapples can now be used with Bone Fragments to obtain very valuable Ivory Femurs (3 POA + 750 Fragments per Femur worth 6500 penny value). Although grinding new POA for the Femurs is not particularly efficient, the existing stock did not lose much value Bone Market-wise.

Except it’s not BIS. They have merely moved it from a position where it clashes with one of the most useful Profession items into a position where it clashes with an Ambition-unlocked item, one they only just made available in the same patch no less. And although it does make sense flavour-wise, it once again made my newly obtained major Ambition reward only marginally better than preexisting gear. My Ambition rewards now collectively grant me a grand total of +4 points over the next-best-in-slot options I already possess.
I only hope that they won’t move the Cloud-Filled Sphere from the Election in the same fashion.

it went from 30e to ~18e per orapple. Not as bad as Humeries, but close

it went from 30e to ~18e per orapple. Not as bad as Humeries, but close[/quote]

True, on the other hand, you now use 2 actions to convert 3 orapples into skeleton value, as opposed to 6 actions using the old Humeri way.

End result would be a difference of 15 vs. 9,6 Echoes/orapple. Lower, but not crushingly so.

Anyway, the use of arm slots vs. leg slots is different enough to make direct comparison somewhat irrelevant. The addition of a valuable leg bone is a clear boon as far as I’m concerned, regardless of the nuts and bolts of POA economy…

For some reason, the Talk of the Town side story doesn’t have an infinite deck. It just uses your existing deck size, which makes the cards a particularly poor choice to even draw.

That’s never had an infinite deck. As for whether it’s worth it to draw cards or not depends on your goal. If you’re grinding rubbery and/or hell favours, then it’s very worth while. You can get 1 (possibly 2) rubbery favours with two draws of the Tentacled Entrepreneur’s card, and with two draws of The Brass Ambassador you can get 3 hell favours.
If, however, making waves and talk of the town are your only goals, then the cards aren’t worth it, no.

Yes, this is the one thing I’m :/ about. The Helicon House nerfs hurt, but it’s a fair cop, it was OP. The Humeri weren’t. The Bone Market is a basically mandatory thing for advanced players, and by and large its return-on-investment sucks. (The exception being loading up skeletons with particular qualities for a once-a-week sale–but humeri, which don’t have any such qualities, had nothing to do with that.) Everybody was using humeri because they were the least sucky option for a piece of mandatory content, not because it was OP. Now instead of having a bunch of sucky options and one okay one, they all suck.

Generally agreed. Being able to remove Lodgings, without even having to sell them, is really nice. Being able to go in and out of the lab freely makes the lab a lot more enjoyable. Not as pleased about the change to Heists–I don’t understand why that needed to be an Unlimited deck, and would have preferred to keep the five-card hand. As is, Heists will now be nearly as difficult for a very advanced player as they are for a merely moderately advanced player, which seems backwards. And is yet another indirect way of making the Railway harder.

…ha, for having my overall opinion being ‘mostly good’, I do circle back around to complaining a lot. Well, but most of the changes hurt, even if I do think it’s better for the game overall, so on a personal level, I’m pissed off. I bought the Pendant because I’m a money-grind focused player; I bought a Fascinating accomplice at Hallowmas for the same reason. So, yes, I’m annoyed.

At least unless the deck changed too, it’s still &quotdraw a hand of 5 cards for guaranteed 2 hell favours, 50% chance at a docker favour (through stately dance) and 3 society favours (2 if you are cashing in TotT)&quot, no randomness involved in the cards. (if you switch the two last cards, you can switch one society favour for a rubbery favour; and if you want to gamble cards you can get another hell favour - but I was always going for the guaranteed; entered at 5 cards in deck and emerged with 10 <– this nerf makes it not worth for me anymore)

What xKiv said about the Attending a Party story. It’s for easily grinding favors and getting Making Waves on the side, although you can do different patterns.

Dalencienn, you will be pleased to know that the Fabulous Accomplice appears to be the highest-value Helicon House grind companion, assuming you also have the Nemesis Ambition cloak.

Heh. I don’t. I’ve got a diamond the size of a kitten.

Although I do now get to be addressed by my Court of Cats title, at least, which is some consolation. I’d probably be less annoyed about the Helicon House nerfs if there was a sudden profusion of rubbery cats there.

Are the new Favors sources released yet? Can’t seem to find the Constables favors sources at the Labyrinth.

They are released. They all take multiple actions per favour, and most of them are at the end of existing Carousels. Heists, Wilmot’s End, Affair of the Box, etc. I am told the Constables one involves selling a Hound of Heaven.

They are released. They all take multiple actions per favour, and most of them are at the end of existing Carousels. Heists, Wilmot’s End, Affair of the Box, etc. I am told the Constables one involves selling a Hound of Heaven.[/quote]

Oh dear. I miss the card refresh trick already.

Church is only available from the old hounds of heaven grind. Constables can be acquired in the Labyrinth of Tigers with a new bound of heaven grind.

Put me down as another unsatisfied partier. I would rather have an infinite but undiscardable deck for polite invitation parties than expend draws on it. Oh well.
edited by Tyrconnell on 12/7/2020

Eh, I am more satisfied with parties being kept as they were than with the updated heists. At least this way, if you have a 5-card lodging, the parties are a reliable source of several types of Favours. This would not be possible with an infinite deck of undiscardable cards.
The heists, on the other hand, are now much more of a nuisance for advanced players.

It should be noted, though, that overall most of the changes truly make for a more balanced game with various more or less equally rewarding options, however.