Translation Project

Hello there everyone, you probably don’t know me but i was here for quite some time(3-4 years) and soon i am going to have a translation project as my final project in English, so i decided if i am going to translate a text i might as well translate a storylet or maybe a long snippet but since i cant decided which one i thought it will be fun if i will ask the community.
so, whats your favorite storylet?, what would you like to see translated to a different language? also if anyone is interested i will update the full translation notes once i am done with it.

Personally, I’m rather fond of the Mirror Marches, specifically the encounters with the cats in there. But that’s just me. And cats. The area also has storylets (the temple) if that appeals more.

Incidentally, which language do you work into?
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 11/9/2017

the language i am translating with is Hebrew and i only have been once in the mirror marches so i dont mind trying it out also any story relating the second city should be intreseting

My favourite text in Fallen London is the “Do you recall how they came to that place?” piece, with all its lovely and unique variants.

However, I’m having a really hard time trying to imagine it in Hebrew (which is my native language :-)). As the saying goes, poetry is what gets lost in the translation. It’s easy to translate the words, but not the feelings they convey.

What length of text do you need? (and is there a specific goal/focus to the project other than presenting a translated text?)

Mr Pages and his many, many vocabulumarium could be an interesting place to start!

Also, quite likely the most difficult to actually translate…

I quite like the result for Pervert your studies.

He came up (you do not write) to offer a little. They hooked him (you do not declare) like a fish. Their knives (you do not suggest) were dark and sharp as the Mountain’s daughter. He screamed then (you have not recorded) and they opened their mouths, red and white and rich with treasure. O but the feast was too short: sweet as the stars, bitter as the sun, all with that old redolence (which you might well footnote) of a certain ammonia. He breathed (your ink does not flow) until his vents were stifled with tears. If he had a soul (you might conjecture; you do not conjecture) it would have skipped and sizzled like rich blood on a griddle.

There’s quite a lot of possibilities in this thread as well.
edited by Optimatum on 11/12/2017

Also, quite likely the most difficult to actually translate…[/quote]
depends on the language. in poland there was an entire society of poets who wrote like mr pages; it’s a malleable language, more flexible than snakes. i’m guessing translating into any of slavic languages would be actually easier than writing fresh neologisms is in english

edit: also hate to be that guy, but is failbetter even okay with their texts being translated? some writers aren’t, so it might be prudent to ask first.
edited by gronostaj on 11/12/2017

Also, quite likely the most difficult to actually translate…[/quote]
depends on the language. in poland there was an entire society of poets who wrote like mr pages; it’s a malleable language, more flexible than snakes. i’m guessing translating into any of slavic languages would be actually easier than writing fresh neologisms is in english

edit: also hate to be that guy, but is failbetter even okay with their texts being translated? some writers aren’t, so it might be prudent to ask first.
edited by gronostaj on 11/12/2017[/quote]

i dont mind asking but who should i even go to?

The fastest, most certain way to get in contact with FBG about a question is the support email:

You should also look at the fan project guidelines. I don’t see anything that would be an issue and I vaguely recall FBG approving of some other translation thing a while ago, but best to ask just in case.