Tracklayers City (City in Silver?)

Both my main and alt characters have long ago completed the railroad and both created a tracklayers city although I cannot remember where either character put this city. Neither character has visited this city yet.

Is there a good reason to visit the tracklayer city? Before you answer, please understand that I have zero interest in role-playing and close to zero interest in FL lore. Most of the time, I do not even read the text from actions and new places except to see if there is any clue to a mechanical action or reward. I play almost solely for the mechanical benefits.

So with that in mind, does the tracklayers city provide any unique and good rewards, any mechanical rewards that are easier to acquire than in other places? Thanks for your help.

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I’m just trying to understand the appeal of what’s (if I’m understanding you right) essentially speed running a choose your own adventure novel…

I mean, there’s nothing stopping you but… strictly speaking the fastest way to get through a story you’re actively ignoring is to just set it down. lol


Different strokes for different folks. I am not into role-playing and find the writing to be obtuse and often non-sensical. As an example, I recently had both characters go to Irem for the first time each to complete Evolution and to get an upgraded destiny. I did not understand much if any of the long paragraphs of text while warping, weaving, and looming my way around Irem. I am probably missing some point but they paragraphs just did not make any sense to me.

I like to collect “stuff”, make my characters stronger, and both are saving for a Hellworm although I really do not know much about these worms… but that is a different question.

So what do you think about the tracklayers city? Any good loot to acquire there?


You’re asking the wrong person. Especially when it comes to CiS. lol

I only play for roleplaying/story’s sake, and consider every mechanical benefit/item an “I’ll get to it when I get to it” goalpost, because I don’t actually plan to stop playing.

And my interest in CiS extends exactly as far as maxing out Infiltrator 2 (possibly 3 if I make another alt) different ways in protest of the writing of CiS… because I consider it the single worst-written piece of content in the entire game. Hands down.


For once I actually agree with Thoon, but if you’re truly dedicated to pure mechanical benefits, then the CIS certainly isn’t a bad place to visit. Once you build up Hinterland Efficiency, which doesn’t take very long, then every action gives you an EPA of at least 5 with some opportunities for a 5.2 EPA. So it’s one of the best grinds in the game for effort to profit, as well as being a very good grind in its own right.


John_Schmit, Thanks for the info. I currently just grind using “The business of a ???” ad nauseum at ~4 EPA. I would be quite interested in a relatively simple grind that yielded 5 EPA. I tried using the bone market stuff but really dislike it and make so many mistakes that I stopped doing that even though my main and alt each have over 100 custom engraved skulls. Do you know the name of the Tracklayers City grind or how it is referred to in the FL wiki? Is it fairly simple? I really like the simplicity of the “Business of a ???” for example.

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It’s a very simple grind—the location is primarily card based so there’s a little randomness about cashing out but the profits are fairly consistent. The “economy” section on the wiki guide for the city has more exact info: The City of the Tracklayers (Guide) - Fallen London Wiki


Thanks, annalibertas. I will look at the material for which you provided the link.

I think that CiS combined with hellworm riding is one of the best grinds currently available.

  1. Flip cards (for worm milking) in whatever station CiS connected to (my choice is Balmoral, maybe there is better one).
  2. All excess actions sink in CiS. 5-5.5 EpA options to generate local currency, then convert it into ballads, convert ballads into money in rat market.

Apologies to necro this thread, but I need advice on Scrip-making at the Tracklayer City.

  1. My city is located in Balmoral, maxed efficiency.

  2. I am halfway through the storyline involving the Grey Man, Exploration of a Hinterland City 70.

My plan is to keep farming Prosperity then cashing it in for Vital Intelligence whenever possible, but the cards are non-discardable and that item exchange card only appears every now and then i.e. too many actions involved to get one Vital Intelligence (25 Scrips in value).

However, the wiki claims that this method yields around 10+ SpA… which I can’t understand how. Should I finish the storyline first?

P.S: I really want to grab 200k Scrips for my Hellworm before the next Whitsun.

The Scrip guide is lacking and should be updated on that point. I’ll edit it tonight.

Without Fate, the ability to extract Prosperity as Scrip is limited by draws and you’ll basically never keep up. There was some early discussion in that direction but it’s basically impossible to draw the cash-out card often enough.

Any of the Fate-locked Vignettes will let you cash out for Scrip, if you can pass the relevant skill check. Even just one Vignette is enough to keep up with the Prosperity you earn. But, Fate.

Communing with London actually gives good Scrip without Fate, if you can deal with Nightmares.


Wait, how do you cash out for Scrip with the Fate-locked Vignettes? I have the Starved one, and it just seems to have two cards with options to get (mostly, I think) 520 Prosperity. Wondering if I’m being very stupid!

One of the cards is discardable, and will have an option to use 6250 Prosperity and receive a Sap of the Cedar, which can be sold for Scrip in the Upper River bazaar tab. If you have less than 6250 Prosperity, the option will be visible but grayed out so you may not have noticed it before.

For the Starved story, I don’t recall the card’s name off the top of my head but the art is the starved man with the teeth, not the one with the eye. Pretty sure that card also option for the abbot-commander, and your own False-Star should you happen to have one of those.


Thanks so much! I am indeed an idiot!