Tournament of Lillies

Won the tournament - so back to level 1 - taking a short hiatus[li]
edited by Kravan on 6/6/2013

I have a darling Lily that is in need of being tested, but I have none with whom to compete.

My alt has unfortunately won the tournament and thus won’t be available for sparring anymore.
edited by Corran on 4/17/2013

I’m at Level 5, Contest of Voices, but none of my friends are at that level now! Any interested challengers, my SN name is cathyr19355.

tournament lv 4
edited by Tyler on 5/6/2013

I’m at level 2 and looking for opponents in this competition of green menaces!

A Contest of Cunning. Anyone up for it?
Come at me chaps! fight pose
edit: And now, after quite a few ups and downs, my precious beast is in need of a challenge of blood. Any brave soul is welcome to put me in my place, if it thinks it can. :P
edited by Imrazor on 4/26/2013

Edited: Level 1 and seeking challengers.
edited by Sarah Jean Brown on 4/29/2013
[i]edited by Sarah Jean Brown on 4/30/2013

(ETA: I just realized my forum name appears to only occasionally be my FL name. My name on FL is &quotSarah Jean Brown&quot)
edited by Sarah Jean Brown on 5/2/2013

I am just starting out at level 1.

Just wondering: Is it only me or is the likeliness to win on a challenge you’ve sent much greater than when accepting an offer?
The reason I think so is because I always lose when accepting invites and pretty much always win when challenging others.

[quote=Aximillio]Just wondering: Is it only me or is the likeliness to win on a challenge you’ve sent much greater than when accepting an offer?
The reason I think so is because I always lose when accepting invites and pretty much always win when challenging others.[/quote]

Insufficient data, but probably so: I’ve initiated 4 and won all 4.

Bug, though: it is possible, i discovered, for challenges to be accepted even after your plant has left the appropriate level, and winning them brings you down! I was at level 3, then had an old level-1 challenge accepted, won, and went “up” to level 2 :-/. So don’t just send out challenges willy-nilly.

I am now 1/8 on accepted challenges and 13/15 for sent challenges I believe. I know the last 4 I’ve sent I’ve won and the last 4 I’ve received I’ve lost for sure.

I guess it’s not impossible then, but it does seem very unfair. As for my attending quality, it’s always been high, so that’s not it either.

I’m now at 5: a Contest of Voices but there are no candidates on my Friends list. Anyone in the same boat?[li]

[EDIT: now at 6, and would love to be able to finish this out…]
edited by Ewan C. on 5/6/2013

My plant is currently at level 3 and would I would love competition.

I would also like to venture into this possibly quite vicious - considering my plants taste for weasels - competition.

My apologies to anyone who issued me a Tournament of Lilies challenge. I have been afflicted with a bug that prevented responding to some challenges. In addition, I generally seek to raise my &quotHeavy with Fruit&quot quality back to 19 after a defeat, and I have had a rash of bad luck with drawing the necessary cards lately.

I am seeking ‘A Contest of Voices.’

Are there any who would enjoy a botanical duel?
edited by Stephen_Dedalus on 5/14/2013

<clueless> What is this quality, and what does it affect? </clueless>

{Still seeking a Contest of Beauty…}

Heavy with fruit is Attending 16+