Tournament of Lillies

My plant craves a contest of mysteries.

I also seek a contest of mysteries.

Now seeking a contest of cunning.

Out of curiosity, what level does my plant need to be in order to have a decent chance in the tournament of lilies?

No idea. I can tell you that with a level 19 plant, I seemed to be losing about four times in ten, at a guess, until I had a run of luck and won. Without knowing my opponent’s level, I couldn’t say if that was bad or not. I suspect that luck is far more of a deciding factor than power, and victory is the prize of persistence.
edited by RandomWalker on 2/21/2015

My plant requires a contest of voices. Challenge it if you dare!

I once again need a contest of voices. Challenge away!
edited by Skythe Smith on 2/25/2015

And back down to Mysteries. The eternal back and forth continues. Challenge if you dare!

Seeking strength!

All of my characters are now taking part and welcome challenges at whatever level they may be. I will usually respond within a day.

Ginneon Thursday’s lily is in search of a sparring partner - anyone care for a Contest of Beauty?

Hello delicious green thumbs, my hungry plant is ready for a Contest of Cunning! Feel free to add me for screamingly delightful Polythreme Tea as we watch greenlings compete…

I’m looking for someone to challenge my plant to a Contest of Beauty.

Seeking a contest of Strength, take it easy on me I’m just starting the tourney.
edited by Amordenus on 4/17/2015

Up for contests of cunning :)[li]

(Edited, was at strength)
edited by Monogatari on 4/24/2015

Hello there, in the game for a few months but not too socially involved till now.
I’m starting the tourney storyline and seeking a contest of Strength.
I’m also accepting nearly all invitations (except the affluent photographer, sorry), so… Let’s be delicious friends?

Edit: Now at cunning.
edited by Sidolbert on 5/5/2015

Is anyone looking for a contest of mysteries?

Seeking a contest of blood.

Squiggle is participating in the tournament for the first time.
Currently at Contest of Mysteries.

Seeking a contest of strength…again. X)