I really like the game, yes I do, but the more I play it, the more I see its flaws. That’s perhaps normal and expected. This user, Boink, on Steam hits the nail(s) several time I believe:
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]I can suggest some reasons - but note that I actually like Sunless Sea quite a lot, it’s just not quite there in some ways.[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]1) Port report grind & balancing. Everyone understands that resources / terror should be tough to manage to create an atmosphere. The problem is that this is done via [/color]incredibly[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)] strict economic management, rather than event / engine / narrative. It’s a bit galling that it’s economics, not sea monsters, that causes more anxiety. I’d be far happier if I could make echoes and die to a surfacing kraken (when that tentacle sprouts out of the ocean and takes a single sailor, shrug, I have 9 spare) rather than because I didn’t do a direct A -> B route for another port report.[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]2) Leading to the AI / zea beasts / pirates. They’re just not that much of a threat, they don’t have many attack routines / behaviors and exerienced players treat them like wandering goody bags. Once you’ve played a couple of lives, well… zero challenge / worry. In fact, due to #1, not having beasties to feed off is actually worse than having them spawn. The spawns are also static (terrible). There’s a single exception: [/color][color=rgb(172, 178, 184)].[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]3) The world is weirdly static. The lighting is great, but there’s no weather barring some fluffy white / yellow stuff that is fog, snow or dust (fog… you’d think the first thing on the drawing board would be decent fog). There’s no storms, lightning, thunderspouts, ghost ships etc. Barring static whirlpools, the zea offers no dynamic threats: all the weather can do is reduce your speed. I understand the engine limitations, but it’s jarring to have wandering zea monsters / pirates, but nothing else. [/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]4) The individual island stories are fantastic, but they’re far too self-contained (independent writers is both a blessing and a curse here). There’s no real world building because so few of your choices have impact ([/color][color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]). Even when you’ve finished an island story, mostly there’s little impact even at that port (notable exceptions: [/color][color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]). Likewise there’s the fundamentals of a political system to support various factions, but it’s woefully lacking in content (esp. regarding spies). Given the focus of the game, I expected more.[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]5) Balancing / pacing. Everyone knows about farming sunlight. And I understand that the game is[/color]supposed[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)] to play out that a captain only has a chance of finishing a couple of islands before terror and the zeas drives her to ruin. But… that doesn’t happen. Irem’s market alone is basically a 7-11 for any item ingame which encourages mass echo farming. Past a certain point the difficulty curve just crumbles and you can never die (unless you choose to via an ending to gather a legacy). i.e. at first you’ll die loads and never get anywhere, then you’ll crack it and never again die. Oh, and gaming the SAL system is incredibly easy.[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]6) Terror / psychological horror never feels that threatening. It’s far, far too easy to remove and is even beneficial to raise in some cases ([/color][color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]). It becomes too cheap to cure, and has no lasting effects. I spent more time worried about fuel / supplies / echos than I did terror. A much slower gain, but with serious serious penalties and effects and less chances to reduce it would have been more effective. e.g. "[/color]can I afford to raise my terror past 50 just for this chance to finish this story[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]" rather than "[/color]whelp, I’ve hit 85 terror, better hit London and then have some family time and do a couple more things in town and it’ll be back to the low 20’s[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]".[/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]7) Your character never [/color]really[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)] changes. By this I mean that you can pick up some semi-permanent menaces / effects, but it’s all too easy to wipe the slate clean. I was expecting some kind of ‘negative perk’ <> terror mechanic. e.g. fail a terror event past 75? character must pass a challenge or become nyctophobic and turning your lamp off at sea raises terror faster; fail a combat challenge on an island, become labelled a coward and crew costs soar. That kind of thing (and yes, I’ve played the call of cthulhu tabletop rpg, the idea isn’t my own). Likewise, having island stories give beneficial perks would stave off a lot of the disappointing feeling of "[/color]well, that story was fantastic and I’m stoked that I completed it with positive outcomes to the challenges, but the rewards are just echoes[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]". [/color]
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