Third-Tier Converting


Sorry for posting a lot recently.

But I require your minds.

It’s not as bad as it sounds.

We all know that one can convert third-tier items into other third-tier items (Like turning Tales Of Terror into Compromising Documents and turning Memories of Distant Shores into Brilliant Souls), right?

So I gotta figure out: out of all the third-tier items, which item can I accumulate the most per action?

Because I can convert them cross-category, it doesn’t matter which item it is.

You may assume that all opportunities to get said items are all equal. I don’t think so!

Thanks for reading and putting up with my crap.

No polls this time, sorry!
edited by Tystefy on 7/14/2017
edited by Tystefy on 7/15/2017

Well, many people use the Thefts of a Particular Character storylet in the Flit to grind casing and spend it on third-tier items like Tales of Terror!, Journals of Infamy, and Brilliant Souls. Generally speaking, you can use this to swap your items from subset to subset until you get the one you’re needing. Whether or not you’ll spend more actions acquiring these items and converting them through the chain to the ones you want rather than just getting the items another way is another question in of itself. I’d recommend converting all lower items of the desired third-tier set to get the most of your current resources before going the long way to get what you need (except Whispered Hints, since those convert with a net loss from 5 echoes worth of Whispers to 4 echoes worth of Cryptic Clues).
edited by Sir Joseph Marlen on 7/14/2017

If you don’t care where on the cross-conversion carousel you begin, you can grind Strangling Willow Absinthe with Boxfuls of Intrigue, which is about the same rate as Thefts of a Particular Character except you can nab a few Correspondence Plaques on the way. You can also build a stockpile of Absinthe by up-converting lower tier wines through the Presumptuous Opportunity card.

ETA: Also, remember that the tier 2 mass conversion to tier 3 is actually a pretty good deal, though I’m not sure any of the tier 2 items are particularly easy to grind directly for these purposes.
edited by Kaigen on 7/15/2017

Upgrading tier 2 items is actually profitable in and of itself (usually 2.5 echoes per action), so if you can find t2 items directly that will be a better deal.