Thinking up OC idea (Ambition spoilers)

Hello. I have had this idea for my OC for a while now, and wanted to know what you all thought. There’s a part of me that might think it a little tasteless, though I plan to talk about maybe addressing that. In order to do so however, I will need to go into some DEEP spoilers for one ambition.

This is you main warning of there being spoilers for the Bag a Legend ambition inside. Serious ones too. Avoid this if you do not want them.

[spoiler]Ok, so in the very late stages of Bag a Legend you learn that the beast you are hunting seeks to make World War 1 a war that last forever that noone can stop. I have had the idea since getting 40 GG Renown and a lot of chess items of making my character a Spymaster seeking to either prevent that war entirely, or at the very least to minimise the damage and length of it. I have also, since MYE will exist one day, thought of the character going though it several times and &quotEnding&quot on the BaL Ambition, finally stopping the villain’s machanations.

My main questions on the idea are as follows:

1: Do you feel this idea might be rather tasteless to the whole fact that WW1 was a real thing that happened? I have been torn between outright preventing it in the Neath and &quotmerely&quot reducing it to it’s real world horror rather then the Forever War that was planned for this reason. Or just abandoning the idea outright.

2: I admit that I also want my character to be rather a hedonist and into some fun unmentionable activites for thouse you who enjoy the kind of proviclations that Fallen London’s content tends to lend itself towards. (though i have no desire to hunt such crowds out, feel free to contact me). Do you think these two ideas are intermeashable, and how would it be good to accomplish it? I was thinking either his cover is a person who enjoying wine and other company, or he does it because trying to prevent a war is a hard task and he needs downtime.

3: If you have anything else you desire to mention, post it here.[/spoiler]
edited by Kylestien on 12/6/2020

  1. Seems like a good idea. It’s a noble motivation. And the Surface at this point is quite an alternate reality anyway. Not to mention how many fictional works explore ideas like &quotwhat if it didn’t happen or went differently&quot, including wars and catastrophes, and are loved nevertheless.

  2. Why not? Both reasons that you mentioned are certainly plausible.