The Twelve Days of Mr Sacks Have Begun!

Merry Christmas, delicious friends!

Mr Sacks has begun its rounds! Each day for the next dozen days a new storylet will appear in London, containing festive frivolity, Neathy presents, seasonal stories and the threatening aura of the Crimson Beast of Winter. Offer it gifts and earn rewards!

Then - after the Twelve Days have concluded - Penstock’s Wicket will open, giving you a chance to spend any Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre that you’ve accumulated over the festive season. This is a chance to acquire various rewards, including unusual lodgings and perhaps even your own noman (briefly).

Mr Sacks and Penstock’s Wicket will be available until late January.

Seasonal salutations, and we’ll see you in the new year!



I very much do recommend starting today. I know some people held off until January 6 last year, and found out that it was too late.