Hmmm. Thanks again.
I don’t know if it matters if people don’t read passing thoughts. Stuff like, “you promised you’d go to the woolshed” I figured would just help a bit with where to go, etc, in early stages. They are all supposed to be called, “a passing thought,” and line up next to each other in the inventory. Some still have numbers and letters that were helping me track them. They’ll disappear.
I’ve been just trying to look into some qualities, but firefox is back to crashing on that page. It was doing that, then stopped, now is doing it again.
When Richard says, “What I’m taking about is called “Change Descriptions” in the Qualities editor - they affect the message displayed underneath the storylet when a quality changes. So for example, if you set a Change Description which starts at 1, then instead of it saying “You now have 1 x Passing Thought”, it could say something like “A passing thought: You should really call your mother…” It’s just an idea; it’s not unambiguously better or worse, just a thing you might try.”
I’m doing that with jugsoaked, for example. So, you get different messages at different levels, as it goes up. But, jugsoaked is one quality - whereas each passing thought is a quality unto itself. Do you mean just having no mouseover description for each passing thought, just a whole lot of blank ones in the inventory, but he description shown at the time you get it. (I think that’s OK, but I’m not sure about an inventory with 6 blank passing thoughts lined up next to each other … )
Note: I’ve now added restart and refresh cards. I did the Playtester Passkey thing, but just made it for everyone, for now. I already had a restart option for myself. Thanks!
Edit: I think what I’ll do is, go and edit all the passing thought cards. Make sure I remove numbers and letters. Then, I’ll write a quality change description at 1 which is the same as you get when you mouseover it in the inventory. That way, it removes the “You have one passing thought” thing. You can just read the passing thought straight up, and if you want to refer to something before the end of the day, you can, otherwise ignore them. Like a transient journal. I’ll also make the text more meaningful, fun to read and hint based. That’s probably the best I can do, but thanks for feedback on these. I think this solution is a measure better. (If not perfect.)
edited by Firky on 12/14/2012
edited by Firky on 12/14/2012
edited by Firky on 12/14/2012