The Sunless Sea - A Character Poem by Me

Authors Note: This is what I imagine a captain might try to dissuade his son from following in his father’s footsteps…

The Sunless Sea
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotThe Sunless Sea has drawn us to the Neath…where Madness and Fear are freely bequeathed…weaving their ancient siren songs into our leaden sleep…as stalking shadows trail lazily after us across the fathomless deep.&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotLet us cast our feeble ray of light upon the trackless expanse of the Unterzee’s inky twilight…watch as we fritter like tiny fireflies zailing around…the outer reaches of an alien world whose eldritch waters wash over us like a fluttering funeral shroud…trapped in an viric tinted dream where Death is a kindness oft sought but seldom truly seen…upon this field of waterly eldritch green.&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotThis we know…This we pray.&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotA day at Zee…a gift warmly shown by the flickering glow cast by our tiny gas-lit array…tis our feeble guard that keeps at bay the Unseeing Eye of the alien gods fast asleep beneath the steel iron blanket of our cargo bay.&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotA night at Zee…a curse freshly fouled with each fetid breath that blows inbound…as nauseous as a poisonous fume that sows within us the seeds of madness, terror, and doom…falling like drops of rain upon the sickly green waters of this vast eldritch unterground…the Zee shall claim us soon.&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotShall you watch those seed-drops take root and flower? [/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]Moment by moment; and hour by hour? [/color]
[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]As your sanity softly crumbles and your mind is devoured?&quot[/color]

[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)]&quotNay…so say all we who have zailed these Zees before…[/color]would you kindly[color=rgb(172, 178, 184)] go live your life ashore…cling to the tiny rocks awash in a gentle if ignorant bliss…lest you discover that some secrets are best left undisturbed upon [/color]this…The Sunless Sea.&quot

I send out the clarion call for your thoughts, constructive criticisms and witticisms, and (do I dare even to ask!) your own character poems!

Poems on any (Sunless Sea) subject approved! Character Poems Welcome! Post! Post Now!
edited by Dread Lord on 10/21/2015