The Starveling Shop! The Starveling Shop!

You see a strange advertisement in a lot of newspapers:

The Starveling Shop! The Starveling Shop!
For all seeking needs, this is the spot!
The Starveling Shop! The Starveling Shop!
Too many Items? Get rid of the lot!
The Starveling Shop! The Starveling Shop!
Need some rats for a isle?A lot have we got!

Greetings all prospective seekers of the name! My name is Kylestien, And i am here to offer you a deal of a lifetime! You see, I like money. I like a lot of money. And any of you seeking the name, well what does money mean to you anymore right? But secrets mean something. Enigmas mean something. You need to advance your goals and money is no object. Well I have good news for you! At The Starveling Shop, we offer a wide range of seeking related goods and services! Need some secrets? You got them, for a price. Want to get rid of any valuable items without the hassle of getting money from it since all that does is burden you later? We can take them off your hands and convert them into rats or secrets or whatever else you need! Come to our store now! It’s the one with the wooden candle.

(DISCLAIMER: We do not sell direct seeking related items or services such as certain candles or betrayals or food made from mysterious sources because law and basic human decency. Only things that a prospective seeker can use. We also by law have to state that your quest is a foolish and stupid one and you should give up now before it’s too late. And for anyone interested we DO also sell ways OUT of seeking for a very resonable price.)