The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

If you want a feline playmate, use your Clandestine Rendezvous on Watchmakers’ Hill to get the Grubby Kitten. She’s adorable, and will only be a behavioral problem if you introduce her to a Starveling Cat! :-)

Thanks jbh_noise, I’ll send you boxes when I happen upon them!

I write to you all from New Newgate; at last, this is my seventh and final journey here on behalf of my quest for the Name. Still no sign of the blasted Cat, however. I have had many generous packages sent my way and several of those have been cats and not spiders, but not once yet the cat. I shall continue to send boxes out to whoever should have need of them, however.

I’ve one extra cat for the first person to reply to this with a Twitter username.


I’m just waiting for you to actually show up on the drop down menu and I’ll send it over :)

You have my incredible gratitude! The box, alas, had but a regular cat, but the Starveling you sent me will serve me well.

Only one question: am I correct that I will need…more than one to see this infernal quest to conclusion? Seven in all, or does the cat simply desert me at certain milestones?

You’re correct! I needed three… at one point there is an option to spend a small amount of Fate (2-3) to help you along regarding the cat, but it’s cheaper to find your own.

Having exchanged a dozen or so boxes some time ago with little success, I believe it’s time to return to the search now that I’m further along in, well, the Search. I’m @gfilpus on Twitter.

Aspeon, if I uncover any more boxes (they seem increasingly rare) I will send them your way. I hope you will do likewise.

By the way, while I don’t think I’ll need any more of these beasts for myself, I’m rather out of things to do right now so I’m more than happy to receive boxes, open them, and send back any cats I may find inside :)

Dear G-d, reclaiming my soul now that that cat’s misplaced it is a bothersome task. Am I expected to repeat this tiresome game seven times in all?

Yep. Welcome to the grind. This is a terrible idea; turn back now!

On a side note, I haven’t drawn a Pass the Cat opportunity for days now. I really hope they haven’t made it rarer…

Perhaps the odds are location-based? At any rate, I’ve found two in the past 24 hours and I’ve sent them both to Aspeon (I forgot you still needed one; sorry).

I am still in need of one. I’m so close…

Edit: Thank you very much, Ryusi! At last, I can stain my soul for the final time… (Oh, and by the way, you don’t need seven cats, only…four, I think. You don’t lose your cat during the middle steps, I believe.)
edited by Little The on 5/25/2012

I just need the cat one more time. I have 7 chains and 7 wounds now I just need my 7th stain. So close.
edited by Cubethulhu on 5/29/2012

I’m looking for someone I can count on to trade boxed cats with. @amaresu if you would like to set up an exchange.

Hi Amaresu, I currently have a boxed cat, but it says you are beyond the reach to accept it. Please answer, when your are back. I’ll be waiting.

Of course as soon as I set off after Jack. ;)

I’ll let you know when I’m back in London. Thank you so much.


Ahem. I mean, it’s done. I have the seventh and final stain upon my soul. For whatever good it will ultimately do me.

I shall not have any further need of boxes, to my knowledge, but I will eagerly send out the ones I receive to those in need. (Come to think of it, would anyone like my slightly-used Starveling Cat?)