The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I’ve got one for giving away here, anyone need it?

Apparently, a way to get Starveling Cats has been added for Seekers. What you need is either a Baptised-Rattus Faber corpse, or 77 Brilliant Souls, and to not currently have a cat.
edited by Morucant on 8/8/2016[/quote]

Interesting. Thanks for the information.

If anyone has another cat they would like to spare the cat lady Kourkoumpina is looking to get one of those wonderful creatures.

Two starvelings available upon request.

I would like to have one, if its possible

Best wishes!

Sent. All damage to person and/or property at own risk.

[quote=Hustleberry Finn]I would like to have one, if its possible

Best wishes![/quote]

I would appreciate a starveling cat too, if possible. I will assume all responsibility for the bad things it might possibly teach to the neighborhood grubby kittens.

CatherineSPACESYMBOLRaymond is interested in a Starveling Cat as she is getting ready to Stain Her Soul.

En route. Let’s hope the courier survives. He was looking distinctly pale and haggard when they left.

Thank you. The courier is fine - urchins are remarkably resilient. Unlike the rest of us.

I have a Starveling Cat that requires a new home, let me know if you need one.

I’ll take it off your hands.

I’ll take it off your hands.[/quote]

it is sent, good luck with your seeking

I couldn’t find the rules to getting a Starveling cat. Do I just ask for it? Do I need to follow any rules/storylines/Fate-locked content to be able to get it? Is it free or do I have to pay? I’m so lost, yet, I would like one, if anyone’s willing to give one to me.

This is a better thread for requesting Starveling Cats, though it doesn’t matter too much. No particular rules regarding the Starveling Cat, no worries.

Hello all! New to the more complicated portions of this game, but I would appreciate someone passing on a smol-ish Starveling Feline if you have an extra or an undersireable.
edited by zoehuntress on 12/6/2016

Lallinka, you are welcome to mine. Expect a mysterious box soon.

Undernourished Mog has invaded. Any takers?

I will offer a home to any and all hungry felines as people wish to off load, let me know if I may do anything for you in return.

I have an extra one. That’s more than I can handle - parcel being sent to Shaphron