The Seraphinian Society does not exist, Part II.

Daedalus Falk is eligible for the Correspondant’s Lounge. Profile is in signature.
edited by Daedalus_Falk on 8/19/2018

Den Blackwell has solved the devious riddles of the Enigma up to 2 and has both the Egg and the Splotch; He therefore humbly asks for membership into the Seraphinian Society and access to the Correspondent’s Lounge.

The Silent Vake Hunter has passed the Trials of the Name and has ventured NORTH. If it is possible (though ill-advised), she would like her name to live on in the House of Asterion.

Thanks for such a great community, and I hope that many others explore the hidden depths of insanity and reality with us.

Lady Jamilah has unlocked the initial mystery of Enigma and looks forward to becoming further buried in secrets.
Update: Miss Wolf requests access to the Library of Babel after undergoing certain trials.
edited by jamilah on 7/1/2019
Update 2: She has procured a dark, oval object that contains no yolk nor whites, thus making her eligible for the Correspondents’ Lounge.
3: I now have the Ink.
edited by jamilah on 7/3/2019
edited by jamilah on 7/3/2019
edited by jamilah on 7/5/2019

Richard Eleison pursued the secrets of the Enigma, and has succeeded.
edited by Reinol von Lorica on 9/13/2018

As I sit and ponder the unknown while admiring that which cannot be held, I can’t shake the feeling I’m forgetting to put the rest together. Or perhaps just difficulty putting together that which is inevitably forgotten. As of now, I have my credentials on display and would welcome a chance to join in the sizzling and forgotten letters.

Edit: Finally located that forgettable stain. Now if only I could remember where I put it…
edited by The Bard on 10/1/2018

I find myself delightfully surprised to learn that I qualify for membership in such a prestigious club that isn’t!

As such, I would like to formally ask for permission to join your un-society. A look at my peculiar onyx-colored ovoid, twice-triumphed enigma and my surprisingly forgettable wardrobe blemish should be plenty of evidence for my qualification into the halls of the Correspondent’s Lounge.

I’m not a part of this club. I’m not a riddle-chaser of any sort. I’m a non-member in a non-club, not drenched in Irrigo, not holding eggs and never, ever remembered. Hush, we were never here.

I appear to have access to this club. I must have forgotten the tattoo I got…

Sally Grissom just returned from an expedition into the nothing, and would like a hot cup of tea and stimulating nonverbal conversation in the Correspondents’ Lounge. Fallen London
edited by ioniluna on 5/29/2020

Dr. Emmaline Anders, holding a certain unobtrusive item which has been painted a certain unobtrusive dark color, would like to request access to the Correspondents’ Lounge.

Her friend, the Lady Ellia Stoneham, has departed London and gone NORTH some time ago, and thus she wishes to have her name inducted into the House of Asterion on her behalf.

edited by Louffles on 2/19/2019

The seeker, John Claverling, stumbled across several enigmatic objects while looking for something much more nefarious. To commemorate the discovery, and his time moving crates, he decided to get a tattoo of Maurilia this Feast. He would also like to be written onto the roll for the Correspondent’s Lounge.
edited by EJ Hamacher on 2/21/2019

While enjoying a well-earned sabbatical following numerous successful terms as Governor of Port Carnelian, Edouard Philippe has stumbled upon a great and terrifying eldritch mystery. He is desperately searching for further knowledge to illuminate the extent and nature of this perplexing phenomenon.

GauntYeti wishes to claim his membership of a club that was not, is not, and will not be. Proof of his enigmatic achievements are written in his journal in a colour best left forgotten.

Lord Arthur L. Pennsworth has what required to join and is certain that he splotched an inc of certain colour, yet for some reason cannot find it at the moment. Perhaps he forgot.

[quote=Arthur L. Pensworth]Lord Arthur L. Pennsworth has what required to join and is certain that he splotched an inc of certain colour, yet for some reason cannot find it at the moment. Perhaps he forgot.[/quote]The ink is a hidden quality, hence why it’s not part of advancing in this society.

Saint Toad steps forward from the shadows to claim membership.
edited by Saint Toad on 4/9/2019

MiloMinoMoe believes she qualifies, although she is unsure as to what.
edited by MiloMinoMoe on 10/2/2019

TheMinionGM found an odd E__s___l so many moons ago, and whisperings of a strange Enigma many many moons before that. Today, they were finally able to see what had been in front of them all these years and feel hopeful that they’re perhaps one step closer to understanding. Not just yet, but soon… soon…

Cattus Schroedingeris looked behind the curtains of his reality, shortly lived a life of a Clay Man, and found the most curious of eggs. He thinks this qualifies him for the Correspondents’ Lounge, and he asks for admission. He can even bring his own ink of approriate colour. At least he is quite sure he can. He sometimes forgets where he keeps it. He invites you to visit him and check for the requirements yourself.

TheMinionGM has returned from a place they did not go, and found something to write with, which they have now forgot. Perhaps they could remember if they tried, perhaps it is better that they do not. In either case though, the quiet of the Lounge seems the perfect place to reminisce on forgetting.
edited by TheMinionGM on 1/16/2020