The Sardonic Music Hall singer and its Frequency

I find myself in the position where I am truly sick and tired of getting the Sardonic Music Hall singer’s card, in spite of its supposedly &quotStandard&quot Frequency. I realise that there are two cards, and each is a Standard frequency, but how come I get one or both of those cards at least five times a day, whereas I can go entire days without one of the Bohemian Favour Cards (A Visit, Promenade with the Celebrated Artist’s Model, and More Larks with the Young Stags), TWO of which both occur with a Standard frequency (the other half-standard frequency).

And this is not just a matter of confirmation bias. I have counted the times I got either cards.

Am I the only one who experiences this incredible discrepancy? If so, does anyone know if there’s some sort of strange coding that makes it more likely to get cards that you Delete(because they’re no longer worth an Action)?

[quote=Kapuchu]I find myself in the position where I am truly sick and tired of getting the Sardonic Music Hall singer’s card, in spite of its supposedly &quotStandard&quot Frequency. I realise that there are two cards, and each is a Standard frequency, but how come I get one or both of those cards at least five times a day, whereas I can go entire days without one of the Bohemian Favour Cards (A Visit, Promenade with the Celebrated Artist’s Model, and More Larks with the Young Stags), TWO of which both occur with a Standard frequency (the other half-standard frequency).

And this is not just a matter of confirmation bias. I have counted the times I got either cards.

Am I the only one who experiences this incredible discrepancy? If so, does anyone know if there’s some sort of strange coding that makes it more likely to get cards that you Delete(because they’re no longer worth an Action)?[/quote]

I have, fairly often, gotten a card AS MY NEXT DRAW after deleting it the first time. :-)

That being said, I don’t know of any element in the random number generator used by FBG that would increase the frequency of a card based on how many times it was, or was not, discarded.

You cannot stop the Singer. The only thing you can do is hide.

That happens to me way more often than it ought to, or at least it seems so. Several times a day I’ll get the same card twice in a row. Mostly the cards I have no use for, too. Those cards I want? No, those buggers never do it!

I’m thinking that the guy who shuffles the cards was among the redundancies. They are a real pack of cards that have to be shuffled, right? With how many players there are that must be very labour-intensive.

Wait, she has a card? I thought you could only interact with her if you chose to visit her on the general “visit a friend” card.

Yeah, I think it is a City Vices card, though. So if you live out of town you’ll never see it.

Edit: I should say &quotthey&quot as there are actually two different ones.
edited by Plynkes on 3/1/2018

Quite relevant post from yesterday on the subreddit:

The RNG is merciless. A chaotic evil agent. Do not think you can beat it at its own game. You are not even a player.

The cards can and do lie about their frequency. The worst offenders aren’t the normal universal london cards, but the Clandestine Rendezvous granting cards like:
What claims to be Infrequent is more like Ubiquitous. They didn’t always have a lock on them from having a Clandestine Rendezvous either, and I was able to farm them for favors.

So yeah, I suspect the music hall singer’s cards are more like Frequent based on my experience. No hard data to back it up though.

I ditched the singer by stealing her goodies, so I no longer see the two cards being discussed here. But of course, she doesn’t give up, does she!? Now she floats around as An Old Acquaintance.

Personally, I don’t think her cards are that bad - they’re a good source of Making Waves, Presbyterate Passphrases, and Intriguing Snippets.

Did an analysis some time ago and her two cards count as 300% frequency. There is another card that I’m 100% sure that, event if stated as a Standard, it’s actually 200%.

[quote=Kukapetal]Wait, she has a card? I thought you could only interact with her if you chose to visit her on the general &quotvisit a friend&quot card.[/quote] Yup, you can use those cards to pump your level after you try to get intimate with her to get the current maximum level 10.

To add to the anecdotal evidence of frequency discrepancies, the black-bordered SMEN cards appear almost instantly whenever I raise UP, whereas drawing Mr Sacks during Christmas was a source of frustration for many (including myself). Ubiquitous indeed.

when I was grinding for Presbyterate Passphrases, I didn’t mind the frequency of our ubiquitous singer. Now I’ve moved to a remote address and am enjoying the peace and quiet.


I did sir. In the shell of a zee snail. I forgot that once I get the premises at the bazaar, I’ll have to deal with the city vices cards…

I do, honestly, wish that the city vices (as a whole) were about 1/2 as common. infrequent or less.

That question is a reason I came to forums for today indeed. She’s lost any sense of personal space this week.

But I side with mr. Daedalus_Falk, she’s worth a card and an action.

And I noticed that different cards seem to pop up at higher rate on different weeks (or decades or so). Did not stats but I’m b—dy sure I had a Week of Criminals, a Week of Urchins, of Tomb-Colonists, of Ctulhumanoids, of Dreams, et cetera.