The reputation compilation

i managed to get an extraordinary mind, does anyone know if there’s anything past that[/li][li]
edited by Flapdragon on 12/13/2013

Congratulations! And as far as I know that’s it (at least for the time being).

I’ve made it to an Extraordinary Mind, only to find myself pipped at the post by Flapdragon by 20 minutes. Making me the Captain Scott of Watchful.

From what i gathered getting 200 in EVERYTHING unlocks paramount presence. Atleast i think so.

Maybe later, when we can change our specialization. I don’t think it’s an option yet.

Edit: When editing a post you can remove the excess &quotedited by&quot lines. It’ll make it look neater. You can also switch to source to remove the [li ] [ /li] codes, and that will get rid of the bullets.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 12/13/2013

I don’t think I’ve ever had more than about 25 second chances stored up. And not because I was using them, I never do (well, not since it became optional at least). Where on earth were people getting them all from? (A moot point now with the cap I suppose, but still curious. :) )
edited by Inky Petrel on 12/13/2013

Inky - social actions! Particularly grinding suppers to increase making waves.

I’ve hit 200 on persuasive and am now going for watchful. I think the other two will be slower because I don’t have as many second chances there, but I want to see if any options unlock when I’m maxed out before I make my choice.

Having a reputation will do something on the Unsigned Message soon; namely, it’ll let you boost your stat above the stat cap using Notability. It’s impossible right now though.

I had over 700 confident smiles. I was aiming for 777. ;)

[quote=Lady Red]Inky - social actions! Particularly grinding suppers to increase making waves.

I’ve hit 200 on persuasive and am now going for watchful. I think the other two will be slower because I don’t have as many second chances there, but I want to see if any options unlock when I’m maxed out before I make my choice.[/quote]

You express my thoughts exactly, my Lady. I peaked at more than 800 smiles - others nowhere near. So today/tomorrow I should max out Persuasive and Watchful; assuming that I can pass the Notability 5 check at some point this week I’ll probably opt for the Watchful title and hope that doesn’t preclude later switching to a possible-all-4 title.
edited by Ewan C. on 12/13/2013

Hurrah for being uber-Persuasive! The proof is in the pudding/journal.

Pudding/Journal hybrids have been deemed unwise by the Ministry of Public Decency. Turn in all confection-tomes into Mr Pages at once, and cease your dangerous cross-breeding habits forthwith. Delicious as they may be*, they are bloody hard to write on.

*To those who’ve developed a taste for paper, at least. Judging by the number of people I’ve had trying to eat pages out of my copy of Slowcake’s Exceptionals, this is not as uncommon as one might think.

More seriously, though, congratulations.

Meh, it’s inevitable when you’ve been spamming Private Suppers for three straight weeks before the Smiles cap. What you should be astonished by is that my Rat of Glory hasn’t exploded yet.

Ah of course, I’ve only recently felt it necessary to put anyone on my list of acquaintances, so that would explain it. (I tend to be a fairly hermit-like player. One of the reasons I love FL is that you don’t need anyone else to advance. I’m working on it, but being sent things still makes me irrationally nervous, because brain-stuff. eyeroll)

And there we go!
I am now (Possibly Fallen Londons’ first) Shattering Force

After inviting the Duchess to my Salon (she quite stole away my Midnight Matriarch!), I have achieved a Legendary Charisma. Now I need a bit of a lie-down…all that socializing, so stressful.

My main character, cathyr19355, became an Extraordinary Mind a few hours ago.

That fact is noted on her Profile page
edited by cathyr19355 on 12/15/2013
edited by cathyr19355 on 12/15/2013

I don’t know what your Watchful stat is now, Sackville, but I started with 180 Persuasive and 180 Watchful and now am 200 in both, by using the &quotEasy Confidence&quot and &quotEvery Stone&quot Storylets at Your Lodgings. (The &quotEasy Confidence&quot is in the &quotAttend to matters of society and scandal&quot and the &quotEvery Stone&quot storylet is under &quotInvite a friend to join you in something terribly intellectual.&quot). &quotEasy Confidence&quot requires 5 Confident Smiles each time you use it, and &quotEvery Stone&quot requires 5 Sudden Insights, and you get a random amount of cp each time you run the storylet (I’ve gotten as much as a full level worth of cp, sometimes). If you have a lot of Confident Smiles and Sudden Insights (and the equivalents for Dangerous and Shadowy; there are storylets for those as well) it’s worth trying. It’s most worth using Confident Smiles because those will give cp for Watchful and Shadowy as well as for Persuasive.

I’m hoping that’s true, because I turned in 2 Notability to become an Extraordinary Mind, and it appears that you need 9 Notability to get one of the new advanced Lodgings.

I’m not surprised. For me at least, Confident Smiles are the easiest of the &quotSecond Chances&quot to gain and I had (and still have!) a ton of them.