The Rat Market

Let me just copy+paste this here too:
Using the great grind from mp’s guide is a bit difficult because of a level 15 of MA is quite hard to achieve. But with this new item, at the end of June, we can equip it among the Bone Harpoon for an extra point!

I think I’m going all out to get the knife this week in case the extra MA point comes in useful in the new serial story.

There is a new item on offer this weekend: Edicts of the First City, each costs 3125 Rat shillings.

I kinda hope that we get Items like the Mirrorcatch Boxes that appear on two separate phases of the Rat Moon.

So you have one item that’s sold when the Rat Moon is either Hard or Blue, and another that’s sold when the Rat Moon is either Soft or Runny.

So, of course the “Diamond Week” comes concurrently with the one-time Summer event, and on the sellable items I have the least stockpile of. A pity. I’ve been reasonably well-prepared for most of the other weeks.
My question is, do we know already with some certainty how the Rat Wind + Rat Moon probabilities work? Is it completely random, or are some combinations more likely and others rare? I mean, a 1/16th chance once every week is bad enough, but if the odds are skewed even further…
I guess I’ll have to sit this one out and hope that the Museum rewards will offer a sensible way to convert them into a Hellworm Saddle…

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It’s 1/9 because both qualities change so you can exclude them from the following week.

Well, yes. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the forewarning. Managed to throw in 150 Parabola-Linen Scraps for 40 Diamonds, finishing just an hour before the closing.

So much work. And it is just 1/8 of that b___y hellworm-saddle.

During boring (non-event) times, go grind for some Fourth City Echoes. Save them for a rainy day (when the stuff you desire appears in the Rat Market).

Fourth City Echoes are always in demand, and are not affected by seasonal change.

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Prepare your 4th city coins, Incunabula (this is the plural!), Captivating Ballads and/or Parables because the final item of the market will be revealed! The chilling North Wind will blow towards London while the Moon will shift its color to a blue shade.


Damn, the last item is…: Tears of the Bazaar! I know someone who may very pleased to hoard more!


Because may of the Feast gifts require Inkling, it is best to pile a bigger stock now because we will only see NW weekend only in March.

Besides the regular gifts, pilling a few dozen Custom-Engraved Skulls is a good investment. You can use two of those weekly on a headless skull and sell it to the Constable for 4 exhaust (value that TtH heals). This is a great way to transform 20E and some Ap into something worth 100E! Or you can use the skulls instead of Brass skulls whenever you wish to convert E to scrip or any other projects.


Thanks for the tip! I’m just about to unload all my Night Whispers in the market.

It appears the link you posted came out wrong. This would be it, right?

Hahaha, such a stupid mistake! I used the forward slash to escape the parentheses for Reddit.

While you’re at converting NW, besides a pile of ~20k Inklings, I would advise you to convert 2-3 NWs into the base items that have no markup when buying from the Market: Maniac’s Prayer, Amanita Sherry, Map Scrap and Phosphorescent Scarab. You may never know when you need those and if you need E you can just sell them.

EDIT: And some Rostygold too! If you’re using the Stag’s club for favours (which has an amazing EPA), be sure to reserve around 40k! Breakdown:

  • On average, if you draw many cards per day, you’ll get it 1.1 times
  • almost 10 more weeks since NW will be available again
  • 500 each time
  • 1.1 * 10 * 7 * 500 = 38500
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:gem: :gem: :gem:
Guess what week it is!
:gem: :gem: :gem:


Umpf, couldn’t it have been 2 weeks later? :confused:

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In fact it can be two weeks later. Actually I think two weeks later is slightly more likely than any random week in the future, given that next week is guaranteed to have neither Wind nor Moon overlapping with :gem:

My 50+ Parabolan Parables are ready. Hope the Hurlers trading post doesn’t go bankrupt next week and we don’t see a repeat of The Great Bone Market Crash of '98.

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You have no idea how many times I hoped this before/during NW weekends! It wasn’t enough, but I do hope RNG listens to you! Who knows? Looking at my pile, it just broke the value of 100k E!!

Easy 40k scrip, gg! And some kisses! :rofl:

Now I’m totally confused. Sell Parables, then buy … what? And take them to the Hurlers trading post? And become a an insanely rich poo-bah?

Fabulous :gem: DiAmOnDs :gem:! They sell for 625 scrip. The action is only visible if you have one in your inventory.