The Poisoner's Library

[quote=Meradine Heidenreich][quote=hwoosh]I feel like a broken record saying this for almost every new major piece of content that comes out, but … so many typos. It’s really distracting and disappointing.

edited by hwoosh on 12/16/2021[/quote]

Do you report them? There are some amazingly old survivals (I’ve been catching up on old ES), so I wonder how many people bother. Since proofreading is one of my RL occupations, I can’t help myself, so I dash off a bunch of screen shots whenever I finish one.[/quote]

Yes, I used to submit large batches of typos regularly. But I too have done proofreading as a job in the past, and given the sheer number of typos in new content (and the sheer amount of new content these days), I can’t justify the hours of my life it would take to report them all anymore. My brain wouldn’t let me just report one or two and call it a day—I’d have to be thoroughgoing about it, and I already spend more than enough of my free time on FL, so I strictly limit myself to complaining about it periodically on the forum, haha.

Yeah, I hate the typos as much as the next guy but I don’t work for Failbetter, I’m a customer. When I’ve already played through the content, seen the typos and been irritated by them, the damage is done on my end. What do I gain from spending my time sending off e-mails? Just more grief. I don’t get paid for that, instead presumably the company should be paying someone else to do it before release.

Hate – damage – grief? Lighten up. Reporting it means they fix it and others don’t see it. Makes sense to me.

Well, you go ahead and do it, then. No skin off my nose. From where I’m standing, there’s no gain to me at all, just a donation of labor to Failbetter. Sure, you can argue that “If everyone did this then maybe others might report the typos before you see them.” But that’s just a poor substitute for more thorough advance proofing, which would be the real solution.

The effort of opening up an email and typing out some details isn’t a lot, but it’s definitely enough that I stopped after about the 10th time. If there were an in-game typo-report button that automatically flagged whatever storylet/result I was presently in I’d probably take advantage of it.

Otherwise I have to agree it’s just not engaging, effortless, or rewarding; it doesn’t need to be all those things, but it needs to be one of them. Helping Other Users has value, but it doesn’t make any sense in a paid* product that we’re engaging with for leisure unless it’s fun/interesting/beneficial or so-close to effortless that &quotone ought as well while one’s here.&quot

*(I know FL can be free, but the model requires enough users to eventually pay, and we are in the CAN$9/month thread here)

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Great story! Btw I saw maybe one or two typos in the whole thing, so I guess most of them have been fixed by now.

The one thing I regret is that the 3 unique research carousels aren’t repeatable. I do hope they add more free research options soon. Just the one about the Hinterlands of Hell is a bit scant.

Question for those who played The Attendants:

[spoiler]I guess the woman in the Lotus Pool is another of the Duchess’ sisters? If so, which one do you think it is? I’m guessing either The Sacrifice or The Vengeance.

If it goes on like this, the Duchess will have to face a family reunion sooner or later! :D[/spoiler]
edited by phryne on 12/22/2021

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I enjoyed this story overall, but the “Who do you Hate?” choice was very unclear, and gave no indication it would lock me out of making the Bride Gonfalonier. I thought it was about whether she wanted to take revenge on the Priestess, not the Gonfalonier.

Also, I would have liked to be able to finish reading all the research options without being cut off once I gained 200 progress.

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I really enjoyed the story, but I was distinctly under the impression that we would be able to re-play the new research projects and I still hope they get around to updating that.

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Many thanks.

Of course, reading this ending just makes me more disappointed in the ending I got, where the Bride drops out of the story just before its conclusion.

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