The Pirate Poet and the Merciless Modiste!

[color=#0066ff]Her clay lips break into a smirk. “Think you’re worth a verse?”[/color]
Captains, beware! The Pirate-Poet now zails the zee, seeking a worthy rival. The pirates of Gaider’s Mourn tell many stories of this clay corsair. Can you be the one to finally best her?

Meanwhile, on the shores of Mt. Palmerston, the Merciless Modiste has grown weary of her latest cruise/exile. She turns her eyes to the zee in search of a captain worthy of her forbidden fashions and murderous hobby. Soon, their shared past and creative differences will lead to a bloody reckoning aboard your vessel. What value will you place on friendship? Or, indeed, art?
[color=#0066ff]More fine Sunless Sea stories from Richard Cobbett, who brought you the Empire of Hands![/color]
[color=#0066ff]The Pirate Poet is exclusive to Kickstarter backers at the Corsair level and higher. We’re getting in touch with you via Kickstarter if you’re due to encounter her. Please check the email you use for Kickstarter or your KS message inbox! [/color]
[color=#0066ff]All brave captains can engage the Merciless Modiste.
[/color][color=#0066ff]Backer-exclusive DLC will be made available for purchase further down the line. [/color]

[color=#0066ff](The Merciless Modiste reminds me of someone…)[/color]
edited by h4nchan on 9/3/2015

When I want to apply the access code from the Kickstarter mail, I get this message:

The access code ‘ss_CarvedL****************’ has been used up and was not applied.

Something wrong?

[color=#0066ff]We’ve just discovered a bug with the backer code, so we’ve disabled it while we investigate. Apologies! We’ll post here as soon as we have a fix.[/color]

I laughed out loud when I noticed what happened to the ferret! Alas, poor ferret…

I previously used the code before the bug and I just ran into the right class of ship and destroyed it when it attacked me. There was no way to loot it or anything. Did I just break something or was that… supposed to happen?

EDIT: Well, never mind, I managed to get through the Modiste’s stuff to the point where it talks about the DLC, but I still think something’s wrong.

She tells me to go to London for something, but nothing is different in London.

edited by MidnightVoyager on 9/5/2015

MidnightVoyager, did you try this from the title screen >Options, >Account Management, >Authenticate ?

Using the code adds a quality to your fallen london account, but you then have to authenticate it or force update your game to get it to apply to your copy of sunless sea.

If your code has applied properly and you are at that part of the story, then there should be a new area/tab in London.

If all else fails, I’d suggest sending a bug report.
edited by NiteBrite on 9/5/2015

[quote=NiteBrite]MidnightVoyager, did you try this from the title screen >Options, >Account Management, >Authenticate ?

Using the code adds a quality to your fallen london account, but you then have to authenticate it or force update your game to get it to apply to your copy of sunless sea.

If your code has applied properly and you are at that part of the story, then there should be a new area/tab in London.

If all else fails, I’d suggest sending a bug report.
edited by NiteBrite on 9/5/2015[/quote]

Ahh, thanks, that fixed it!

Um. feels stupid

Which title screen?

My Sunless Sea ‘Options’ does not have any Account Management, and I have the same issue - told to go back to London, but there’s nothing new in London. FL itself does not have an ‘Options’ as far as I can see…

{The Pirate-Poet DLC is visible on my main Storynexus page, fwiw}

Um. feels stupid

Which title screen?

My Sunless Sea ‘Options’ does not have any Account Management, and I have the same issue - told to go back to London, but there’s nothing new in London. FL itself does not have an ‘Options’ as far as I can see…[/quote]
In Sunless Sea. What happened for me was that it didn’t download the right files to make the right stuff happen ingame. Authenticating forces it to take a look at what you have unlocked and re-download files accordingly.

Um. feels stupid

Which title screen?

My Sunless Sea ‘Options’ does not have any Account Management, and I have the same issue - told to go back to London, but there’s nothing new in London. FL itself does not have an ‘Options’ as far as I can see…[/quote]
Here is a quick visual guide on how to authenticate your sunless sea:

Note: Older versions of Sunless Sea won’t have this option, in which case you will need to update to the latest patch before following the steps above. Otherwise if you are still having trouble, I’d contact FBG support with a bug report.

The really really old way to force an update was to uh, go into your sunless see appdata folder,
C:\Users\Your PC Name\AppData\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea
or for Mac users: Users/Your User name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Sunless Sea

and take the image folder out (ex move it to your desktop so you can put it back if needed) then launch the game. When the game sees it has no images it will ask you to update and then you can log in… and start downloading all the images again, but you would be logged in which is the important thing. There are probably better ways and other files you can alter, but that was the simplest as it just involves moving 1 folder.
edited by NiteBrite on 9/9/2015

Thanks! And yep: my ‘Options’ button generates a screen that lacks the ‘Account Management’ choice. I’m updated to latest patch but will do so again and see whether that 's a fix.

Yep. The Sept 4th patch appears not to have taken previously; the Modiste now has her ushabti. Thanks, NiteBrite.
edited by Ewan C. on 9/9/2015