The Misread Thread

This here is a thread compilation of words you have or had somehow misread or mispronounced in some way, only to realize you were wrong.

I’ll throw in my experience:

Absintheuse —> To this day, I still read it as &quotAbstinence&quot.

Feducci —> Feduchini.

Parabola —> Pearbolas

Optimatum —> Optinum
edited by Tystefy on 8/15/2017

&quotA visit from Slowcake’s Amanuensis&quot -> [i]&quotA visit from Slowcake’s Aneurysm&quot

[/i]Then I realized that’s just the effect he has on me.


I fail to see why this thread is here in the Salons rather than the off topic section. (Especially when half the examples are forum usernames.)

Allow me to introduce my good acquaintances, Repressed Forger and Sarcastic Music-Hall Singer.

For a long time, I thought Sinning Jenny was actually Singing Jenny.
I was so innocent back then.

[quote=Johnny Felix]For a long time, I thought Sinning Jenny was actually Singing Jenny.
I was so innocent back then.[/quote]
me too oh my god. I only realised it’s &quotsinning&quot after I saw it in big letters on her mayoral poster

Tystefy = Tasty Fly.

Favors in High Places = Favors in The High Palace
edited by Tystefy on 8/15/2017

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Cherry Man, fearsome crime lord, pub owner and apparently purveyor of cherries. They must sell quite well down here.

Uncanny Incunabulum, 'nuff said.

Freakin Hesperidean Cider

I just read this very thread’s topic as The Mairead Thread…

also, Cider and Cinder. Don’t know how often I’ve mixed those up in the beginning.

“Waiter, another ray-drenched cider, please!”

I thought Spirifers were called Sprifters until shortly after the Hell conversion.

I thought they were spirifiers!

I read rostygold as rosygold for a long time.

Shining Jenny and spiritfires.

Oh! Oh! This reminds me, for a very long time I thought it was &quotnevercold brass silvers&quot and not &quotslivers&quot. Confuse me to no end, wondered if it was some alloy of brass and silver
edited by Pumpkinhead on 8/15/2017
edited by Pumpkinhead on 8/15/2017

I thought it was Nevercold Brass Silver too at first. And my friend keeps calling Rostygold “Rustygold.”

Gonna ressurrect this for a moment to say:

For as long as I can remember, I’ve said and spelt it &quotCorpescage&quot island, like Cor-pes-cuhge. Only looking it up on the Wiki just recently did I discover it was &quotCorpsecage&quot island, corpse-cage.

I also always used to read the Topsy King’s word for the Flit as &quotWalksies&quot and not &quotWalkskies&quot.

The Surface seems like the wrong subforum for this thread.