The Midnight Whale is back

You could always upconvert them into Correspondance Plaques and go digging in the Hurlers for a good while.

Hmmm. I was looking at the Temple Club upconvert and Iā€™m not exactly flush with Plaques at the moment so that might be an option. Itā€™d at least give me something other than Professional Activities to try and grind my remaing 40,000 Echoes.

Mind you, if you go that way, youā€™ll have to go through the Tin exchange. Not a loss of actions, slight markup, but another step nonetheless.

If you buy the Fate continuation to the Aunt storyline, and then get the ending where she works for Mr Wines, you need Primordial Shrieks to use that card.

Iā€™ve got the wine ending and Iā€™m not convinced I want to go through the inconvenience of getting her a new job! :sweat_smile:


The Midnight Whale is almost at the Gant Pole :)

It ended before I could get into another hunt - how do I see the ending text?

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From what I remember from last year, I think youā€™ll get the ending text on the way back to London.

Hm, i didnā€™tā€¦i just got ā€œBioluminescent astrology,ā€ not the ā€œAurora marisā€ text linked in the thread from last year. Without that the ending is kind of abrupt.

Yeah, I got ā€œEnd your guidance,ā€ the haruspex read the secrets, and that was it. Unless thereā€™s no big final ending this year? Or maybe you have to be out at Zee when it ends? But it didnā€™t work like that for shifting streets.


It seems to be a bug or oversight, possibly to do with seeing the ending last year and that quality not being cleared or updated. Iā€™ve been going back and forth across the Salt Steppe and it still hasnā€™t triggered for me yet. Has anyone who went through this last year gotten a new ending?

EDIT: Appears to be fixed as of this morning. I saw the ending as a static green storylet in the Salt Steppe.

I didnā€™t do this last year, but Iā€™ll try the Steppe! As soon as I get out of the Marches after finally doing the Nadir, lolsob.

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I did see the finish in the Steppe! I loved it.

So, is it now over before I even had a chance to know anything about it? D__n me.