[quote=Dudebro Pyro]
You don’t "get" or "receive" any gifts, not automatically. Having a chosen candidate (any candidate) unlocks the ability to get one (1) free gift. Think of it like a coupon you can spend, only once, but entirely at your leisure (actually, that’s exactly what it is). The Marquee where you can get your gift lists all the possible gifts, but they all have unlock requirements - in particular, the candidate gifts require you to be supporting the corresponding candidate.
You can switch candidates as many times as you want, and it won’t affect your free gift, except in that which gift you can choose at any given moment depends on who you’re supporting at that moment. And you can grab the gift any time you feel like it (the only deadline being the election event as a whole ending, on Monday). It costs 10 reputation to switch, with no other downsides or costs (that I’m aware of).
As for Fate: that’s only necessary if you want more than your one free gift. So, for example, to get all three candidate items, you’d pick one candidate, go grab their item for free, switch to the second, go buy their item for Fate (since you only get one free gift), switch to the third and get that one for Fate too. Then switch to whoever you want to vote for, or whatever. The free gift doesn’t even have to be the first item you get (like with a real coupon, you aren’t obligated to use it.) There are also the profession items, for example - you might elect to grab one of those, whether with your free coupon or for Fate (though these are the same every year, and also never BiS, so most people don’t bother with them).[/quote]
Ahhh, so if you intend to switch all along, your first choice of candidate doesn’t have to be the free gift one, I see! Thank you for this explanation, Dudebro Pyro, that’s very helpful!
Sort of unrelated, is my memory failing or in the very first election, did we get a profession item and a candidate item? If so, it seems a little unfair to newer players! I’ve tried to find the answer on the wiki but a) I can’t (probably looking in the wrong place) and b) it keeps crashing on me (that’s my old phone at fault). However I could totally have bought them and forgotten all about it… Just wondering, not really important.