The Irrepressible

What’s the story behind that Zubmarine? Isn’t it supposed to be working for the Admirality? So why does it attack me when I’m spotted by it?

Also, does it only spawn every few other games because I’ve explored around the Gant Pole and the Chelonate for some time now and all I can find is the Lornest of Flukes.
I want my Blue Schintillak farm…

The lore surrounding it isn’t exactly clear.
According to port Carnelian spy networks, the Irrepressible is, indeed, a secret London zubmarine patrolling for Khanate insurgents after you re-establish London’s rule on the port.

I’m fairly certain that that’s been retconned, though. The Irrepressible is now a rogue zubmarine piloted by the Set, a cult of artists. The captain is the… pianolist? If I’m not mistaken, at least. The Merciless Modiste at Mt. Palmerston explains in more detail.
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 11/3/2016

Not quite a retcon, per se - mentions of the Irrepressible as the private vessel of the Pianolist, of the Set, pre-date, and are more common than, the mention of the zub being an Admiralty secret weapon. Of course, both might be true - the Pianolist might be a London privateer, happy to fit in a little common-or-garden piracy on the side. Plus, well, Khanate, Iron Republic and Dawn Machine ships have all been happy enough to attack us even when we’ve been on good terms with their respective leaders, so why shouldn’t London have its own rogue element?

I always assumed the Khanate ships attacking were from Khan’s Shadow and pirates at that. The Khanate doesn’t confirm or deny this.

So why isn’t it showing up around the Chelonate? Why do I only get Lornest-Flukes now? in fact, why is a Lornest-Fluke at the Chelonate as well as at Aestival?

Where’s my Blue Schintillack Farm?

Lornest-Flukes and the Irrepressible use the same spawn points, so if you visit a tile and one spawns the other will not. If you’re only getting one it’s just bad luck.

This has to be a bug. I see The Irrepressible literally every time I visit that point. Isn’t it supposed to be at least somewhat rare?

Yeah, because it’s the second game in a row I’ve seen the Lornest of Flukes sitting there.

That’s probability for ya.

The Lornest Flukes are also appearing underneath the Saviour’s Rocks as well…

They do, but that doesn’t mean the Irrepressible spawns there, too.
This is how it works: Every tile has one or more spawns for enemies, depending on the tile, several kinds of enemies can spawn. Every enemy has a set %-chance of spawning for that tile.

So, the Eater-of-Names might, for example, have a set 25% spawn rate. That means that 25% of the time you might run into the Eater-of-Names while zailing around the Chelonate. However, there’s also a 30% spawn rate for Lorn-Flukes and a 15% spawn rate for Albino Morays, and a remaining 30% chance that nothing whatsoever spawns. However, just because Lorn-Flukes also spawn in the Empire of Hands, does not mean that the Eater-of-Names will spawn in the Empire of Hands, too.

Just saying, there’s plenty of places for the Lornest Flukes to be. Why does it have to be where the Irrepressible is and why all the time?
Why can’t they just go appear in those locations and not ruin a good farming spot? The Lifebergs up north don’t have a problem with respawning for me.
edited by stylesrj on 11/4/2016

[quote=Marsha Glade]Just saying, there’s plenty of places for the Lornest Flukes to be. Why does it have to be where the Irrepressible is and why all the time?
Why can’t they just go appear in those locations and not ruin a good farming spot? The Lifebergs up north don’t have a problem with respawning for me.
edited by stylesrj on 11/4/2016[/quote]
Well, the lifebergs have the annoying tendency to spawn instead of Mt. Nomad, so that’s annoying too.

Considering how Mt. Nomad is not a pushover you can trail behind and open up, I pray that I never encounter her around the Chapel of Lights. Lifebergs are still easy farms; just have to change tactics from trailing behind to chugging behind at full speed, guns blazing.
edited by stylesrj on 11/4/2016

They do, but that doesn’t mean the Irrepressible spawns there, too.
This is how it works: Every tile has one or more spawns for enemies, depending on the tile, several kinds of enemies can spawn. Every enemy has a set %-chance of spawning for that tile.

So, the Eater-of-Names might, for example, have a set 25% spawn rate. That means that 25% of the time you might run into the Eater-of-Names while zailing around the Chelonate. However, there’s also a 30% spawn rate for Lorn-Flukes and a 15% spawn rate for Albino Morays, and a remaining 30% chance that nothing whatsoever spawns. However, just because Lorn-Flukes also spawn in the Empire of Hands, does not mean that the Eater-of-Names will spawn in the Empire of Hands, too.[/quote]
This is only accurate to how the game handles spawns on the surface. Spawns underwater for both enemies and interactibles are all in a separate file, which lists the various types of underwater spawn points and what can appear at each one. (Specifically the Irrepressible and Lornest-Fluke are both only found at &quotMajorSpawn&quot locations.) Given this handles both enemies and interactibles, and that things don’t consistently respawn when returning to the area, I don’t think the normal spawn rules and caps are applied.