The Halved?

Anyone know where to go in Eluetheria to learn more abt it? i like it n im interested

There’s some lore about the Halved in the House of Rods and Chains and the Well of Wonders, if you haven’t done either of those events yet.

Looking at transcripts the scene from Zubmerging into The Eye in Sunless Sea, it’s Mr. Barleycorn’s master and a mover and shaker in the Liberation.

[quote=Lord Garuda]There’s some lore about the Halved in the House of Rods and Chains and the Well of Wonders, if you haven’t done either of those events yet.


Looking at transcripts the scene from Zubmerging into The Eye in Sunless Sea, it’s Mr. Barleycorn’s master and a mover and shaker in the Liberation.
late reply! but where is the well of wonders usually?

I really wish I could say for sure, I haven’t reset Eleutheria enough to find out. It’s been vaguely north of Pan every time I found it.

thats fine enough! thanks!

[quote=Lord Garuda]There’s some lore about the Halved in the House of Rods and Chains and the Well of Wonders, if you haven’t done either of those events yet.


Looking at transcripts the scene from Zubmerging into The Eye in Sunless Sea, it’s Mr. Barleycorn’s master and a mover and shaker in the Liberation.

Please spoil a poor soul with a broken down laptop: What DO we know of the Halved/the Eye other than what’s known in Sunless Sea? Is it actually a Judgement, or something other? What does it want-with the Rubberies in particular? How long has it been sponsoring the Liberation?

Gosh, there’s only so much I know about it myself, and I’m not an expert on FL lore. Judging by some of the hints,

the creature in the Well of Wonders did something to the sun of Eleutheria to corrupt it after it pledged fealty to the Liberation. The Driver’s story mentions a traitor coming with peace and bringing &quotwell seed&quot when you send them to Old Toms’s Well, whatever that is. The only part of the well’s story that I don’t quite get is the King that Wars - I’m not sure if it’s the sun of the Blue Kingdom, part of the Halved, or something else entirely.

[quote=Lord Garuda]Gosh, there’s only so much I know about it myself, and I’m not an expert on FL lore. Judging by some of the hints,


the creature in the Well of Wonders did something to the sun of Eleutheria to corrupt it after it pledged fealty to the Liberation. The Driver’s story mentions a traitor coming with peace and bringing &quotwell seed&quot when you send them to Old Toms’s Well, whatever that is. The only part of the well’s story that I don’t quite get is the King that Wars - I’m not sure if it’s the sun of the Blue Kingdom, part of the Halved, or something else entirely.

I dont think you’re quite right about the Driver’s story.

I’ll just reply with a Pastebin for a while since spoiler just refused to cooperate with me Halved -
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018


edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018
edited by Scarred Albatross on 11/6/2018