After a long wait, the premiere artistic publisher of the entire Neath is back! This time, our travel correspondents have prepared for you an edition brimming with expertise on the wonders west of London - the Hinterlands!
Many thanks to our visiting Correspondents:
Mistryo555 - Jericho Locks
Nicholas Lime - Magistracy of Evenlode
RHbbcc - Balmoral
Captain Riley - Station VIII
Qu1cKsAnD - Burrow-Infra-Mump
Zolana - Moulin Wastes
Benjamin T. Barker - Marigold
And these and others for their contributions about the Tracklayer’s City!
Show your thanks and support for these peeps but throwing a nice word or a few rats their way!
But wait! There’s more!
Exclusive in this edition, an interview with the Hinterland Illuminator - The Duke of Westshire!
Read the interview and join the Illumination TODAY!
The Goosey Gazette is always looking for supporters and contributors! If you are interested in working with us on further projects, or perhaps just want to say thank you, feel free to reach out on Discord to Frogvara.