The Fruits of the Zee Festival is here!

Ouch - I didn’t know about those. I definitely won’t let my menaces get out of hand during the Festival.

I foolishly turned up to this with less than 10 Rostigold for the first time since I arrived in Fallen London…

Is there any way to accumulate Rostigold on the island or through some kind of social action, or must I leave and then return with more?

How high should I raise my running battle quality before landing my catch? or does it not make any difference?

[quote=MayorFasi]First round of fishing gave me a Strange Catch of 6. Didn’t have the option to give the Catch to the Drownies. Instead was able to exchange it for various items.

Went fishing again, had a Strange Catch of 5. Clicked on Offer the Catch to The Drownies. Was overwhelmed with the options - none of which I knew and not knowing if I could return after getting my destiny I chose &quotperhaps not&quot so I could research more.

The problem is that when I went back to the Fruits Festival my Catch was gone.

Is this a bug or a feature?
edited by MayorFasi on 8/20/2015[/quote]

Pretty sure that’s a bug - I’d raise it with FB.

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[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Don’t think that there is a way, I’m afraid. Maybe someone will chime in…[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=Koenig][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]How high should I raise my running battle quality before landing my catch? or does it not make any difference?[/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Depends on what you’re angling for. If you just want menace reduction / cartography items, higher catch is more menace reduction, but otherwise it doesn’t matter. If you’re after wealth in the cove, as high as possible. If you’re after specific unique items in the cove (the hamster, the eolith, etc.) then high, and hope it gets reduced to the right amount. Patience is required.[/color]

[quote=DeserterKalak]I foolishly turned up to this with less than 10 Rostigold for the first time since I arrived in Fallen London…

Is there any way to accumulate Rostigold on the island or through some kind of social action, or must I leave and then return with more?[/quote]
I did the exact same thing. I couldn’t figure out a way to make rostygold on Mutton Island so I took the trip back to London to access the Bazaar.
edited by Travers on 8/20/2015

I’m on my way from Polythreme (the Festival took me by surprise) to London (to collect my professional reward) and then to Mutton Island. Everybody mentions gold. How much should I stock while in London? And is there anything else I should take from home to make it a good Festival?

disappointed that there’s nothing. guess i’ll try for a hamster again.

Each fishing trip takes 10 Rostygold then you trade in your catch for a reward or to reduce your menaces. There is an airs mechanic that gives different options at the Festival so it can take a number of fishing trips to get all the rewards you want, especially as cycling through the options waiting for the Lady to take you to the Cove to get the major rewards can take a long time and raise those menaces.

Each fishing trip takes 10 Rostygold then you trade in your catch for a reward or to reduce your menaces. There is an airs mechanic that gives different options at the Festival so it can take a number of fishing trips to get all the rewards you want, especially as cycling through the options waiting for the Lady to take you to the Cove to get the major rewards can take a long time and raise those menaces.[/quote]

Aha. The more, the better then. Ok.

How high do I need my running battle to be in order to qualify for the higher reward chances? I know I am aiming for the higher options, but just what level exactly do I need? (Note: I am going for a shot at getting the rewards exclusive to the festival)
edited by Koenig on 8/20/2015

How long does the festival last?

The highest cove value reward is 8 but your Strange Catch value can drop when you enter the cove so I would say that a running battle of 10 or more to try to get the higher value items should work. (Those drops are random and were one of the most frustrating things last year)

Having not been around for last year’s Festival, I’m quite excited to see what’s in store! Already earned myself a Destiny somehow, in stark contrast to my usual luck. Wonder if I can get any more?

Since I am going to for festival exclusive items, what story-let option should I look for to turn in my catch?

Offer your Strange Catch to a Hooded Lady, I believe.
I tried I don’t even know how many times last year and the RNG would just never give me a value of 5 for the Eolith. Maybe this time, I guess.
edited by Sackville on 8/20/2015

Offer your Strange Catch to a Hooded Lady, I believe.
I tried I don’t even know how many times last year and the RNG would just never give me a value of 5 for the Eolith. Maybe this time, I guess.
edited by Sackville on 8/20/2015[/quote]Thank you!

Though with that said, I hope you don’t mind me asking: What exactly are all the items exclusive to the festival?

Festival lasts two weeks, which should be enough for everyone to get the loot that they have their eye on from the hooded lady. High catch is best if you want the highest value unique item:
Pre-emptive Guinea Pig - 7 Dangerous, 6 Watchful, very nice for many people.

Other items:
Mutersalt 2 shadowy 3 dangerous -1 watchful
Consignment of Scitillak Snuff 5 dangerous 3 persuasive -1 shadowy
Bloodstained Eolith 5 watchful 4 dangerous -1 persuasive
‘For your own good’ Compass 6 watchful 4 shadowy -1 dangerous

note: they’re all weapons, even the guinea pig)

One thing that has tripped some people is going over there without any rostygold. You only need a few hundred.

Only other tip I can give is to be patient. Very patient.

Is the Hooded Lady really that hard to encounter? I keep doing stuff in the main Festival storylet and haven’t encountered her even once… (I want that guinea pig so bad!)

Afraid so. It’s not unknown to have both menaces up to 7.5 or whatever and have to cash in a lovely catch for menace reduction. Please see my previous comments regarding patience.