The Fruits of the Zee festival begins!

Always Ready For Kitschy Nautical Celebrations!

A quick fishing trip and Wrecker’s Cove 30 Doesn’t yield any new items (Clay Man at 30+ or Stoppered Jars at 26+) so either there’s nothing new at the upper extreme, or else it’s quite extreme. I think the theoretical maximum was about 50?

If you take a peek at what can be obtained via Fate, there are two items of significant interest. One is the Gloves, which Snort already mentioned. Another is a Hat. Without paying Fate, you can still read the Game Instructions which say it raises Bizarre and Artisan of the Red Science (!).

Gloves are 10 Fate, Hat is 30 Fate. No idea at this point if the Hat can be obtained for free, but I intend to find out.

For the purposes of record-keeping: Nothing new available with Picking value of 16.

Yes. I have been to the cove today and I saw but was not eligible to get the Collar, only the other new item.

[quote=Judaspriester]I think there was a spelling mistake. I meant I collected the list (in my post above), not the items themself. I’ve edited my post in order to make this a little more clear.[/quote]Ah yes. For myself the knife and the boots are the only non-fate ones I’m missing, apart from the new additions, so I’ll certainly be snagging those (the boots just in case some use for them turns up later). From the fate bracket mutersalt and snuff were thankfully provided on the railway, don’t know that the others play any pivotal role anywhere.

Sun-Seared Silken Gloves are 18-20 cove picking, if someone interested.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve last attended the Festival. Could someone kindly remind me how to get to the cove to trade in my catches?

So now the Mayor attending the festival is a tradition for real?

You offer the Hooded Lady your catch when she appears

I prefer that the Sights at the Festival quality subranges be shown.

edited by Rostygold on 8/17/2020

You need to visit the ‘The Fruits of the Zee Festival!’ card when your ‘Sights at the Festival’ quality is in the 86 to 100 range. The ‘Sights’ quality changes at random when exploring the various options on the Festival! card. The wiki has more exhaustive info on the subject.

I think the collar was 24 - got it on my second trip, but was not truly awake at the time. And I may be WAY off on the number.

There’s also a number that winds up with you owning the collar.

And there are Sun-Seared Silken Goves - Respectable +2, Player of Chess +1.
edited by Snort on 8/17/2020
edited by Snort on 8/17/2020[/quote]

Son of a gun. I tried to up my catch value on the fly like an idiot, and got the collar at 11. Never did figure out how to put images in my posts, not sure if it’s to do with Safari being iffy or not, but the proof’s on my mantelpiece and in my journal

Edit: OH WOW I’m an idiot and I’m not sure if anyone else has already figured this out or if I could simply be wrong, but I was going over my old qualities and I THINK we may have met the Viscountess in an earlier ES. Specifically, The Court of Cats from 5 years or so ago, where the player character helps mediate between a Prince-Bishop and a VISCOUNTESS of the cats fighting over a streak of territory in Parabola.
edited by Hattington on 8/17/2020

Gloves are 10 Fate, Hat is 30 Fate. No idea at this point if the Hat can be obtained for free, but I intend to find out.[/quote]
Update: I got majorly lucky, the Crown is available with Picking 26-28. Also, despite the instructions, it raises Dreaded rather than Bizarre. I blame devils.

Thank you both! If it’s based on Sights of the Festival that explains why I haven’t found it yet.

[quote=PSGarak]Update: I got majorly lucky, the Crown is available with Picking 26-28. Also, despite the instructions, it raises Dreaded rather than Bizarre. I blame devils.[/quote]The crown seems extremely disappointing for those of us who did Heart’s desire. I guess I’ll still pick it up just for the sake of having it, but it’s pretty much completely worthless to me.

[quote=Hattington]Son of a gun. I tried to up my catch value on the fly like an idiot, and got the collar at 11. Never did figure out how to put images in my posts, not sure if it’s to do with Safari being iffy or not, but the proof’s on my mantelpiece and in my journal

Edit: OH WOW I’m an idiot and I’m not sure if anyone else has already figured this out or if I could simply be wrong, but I was going over my old qualities and I THINK we may have met the Viscountess in an earlier ES. Specifically, The Court of Cats from 5 years or so ago, where the player character helps mediate between a Prince-Bishop and a VISCOUNTESS of the cats fighting over a streak of territory in Parabola.
edited by Hattington on 8/17/2020[/quote]

I thought the same, but someone set me right - they’re different Viscountesses! They specifically have different viscounties. Also, to put an image in your post, you first have to upload it somewhere where you can link to the image file directly. Imgur should do the job, if you don’t have your own hosting.
edited by Diptych on 8/17/2020

Stats fo the crown?

Does anyone know if the formula for how Catch value converts to Picking value is different than it was last year? The Hooded Lady’s page on the wiki seems to have been edited in the past few hours to now say the conversion is “Gives 2 x [(Strange Catch + 1) to (2 x Strange Catch)] of Picking Through the Wreckers’ Cove.”, but I’m not sure if I can trust it, as it seems odd that the RNG range would be “gain anywhere between a +1 or x2 modifier to your Catch” as I’m entirely unsure how you would have stuff that’s “between” +1 and x2.

Stats fo the crown?[/quote]

4 watchful, 1 dreaded, 1 red science

[quote=Judaspriester]Stats fo the crown?[/quote]Apparently it’s

[ul][li] Watchful +4 [/li][li] Dreaded +1 [/li][li] Artisan of the Red Science +1
So to anyone with A Dream of Truth-Strangling, this thing is useless.

[quote=Xorph]Does anyone know if the formula for how Catch value converts to Picking value is different than it was last year? The Hooded Lady’s page on the wiki seems to have been edited in the past few hours to now say the conversion is &quotGives 2 x [(Strange Catch + 1) to (2 x Strange Catch)] of Picking Through the Wreckers’ Cove.&quot, but I’m not sure if I can trust it, as it seems odd that the RNG range would be &quotgain anywhere between a +1 or x2 modifier to your Catch&quot as I’m entirely unsure how you would have stuff that’s &quotbetween&quot +1 and x2.[/quote]It’s a little confusing, I think I misunderstood it at first reading, but if I’m simplifying this correctly now then isn’t the final result a range of 2x+2 to 4x? So pretty wildly variable values.