The first case in the Making your Name: Watchful

Hi everyone,
I just started this tracker yesterday, it was the page that came up when I logged in. I’m so inactive that the only two options that were there was when you just find the detective, and after you get the contact. Turns out I was half way towards getting the contact without the track, but didn’t quite make it.
So, upon accepting finding the contact, I investigated until my seeking quality was about seven. I was successful on the following challenge, but it says to investigate to continue. Does this mean I have to get my seeking quality up to 5+ before the next portion of the story is available, again? Or do I do that on another card? It said with a little more survalance, so does that imply my Watchful needs to be higher?

I believe you just need to raise your Seeking up to 5 for each step.