The Fate of my Aunt [Fate Spoiler]

For those who aren’t aware of it, the title of the thread is also the name of the last card (perhaps) that one gets when being in for another penny when it comes to side-adventures with your aunt. Sadly, yet finally, it has come to an end and here I am sitting with three choices ahead of me of where I should put her to use: Masters, Society, Church. Would anyone be so kind and enlighten me with what each ending would do to me? I remember someone mentioning that one of the endings gives cards that allow for a 30% chance at a 10 action point refill. Not that that is the one I exactly am looking for, but if the end rewards are so bountiful I’d very gladly be kind of aware first of what I’m choosing.

Thanks in advance for those who are ready to share some information, delicious friends!

Mr. Wines give the action refill. I’m not sure what the other rewards are.

I went with Mr. Wines’ ending as it gives you a card with a 30% chance (luck) to refresh 10 Actions.

According to Estelle Knoht’s Fatechart (which is not up-to-date but I think it remains really valuable), Society lets you spend 0.4 echoes in Wine items for Scandal reduction AND 1.7 echoes in Rumour items, while Church involves, I quote, &quottrading 5 Echoes of Glim for a pitiful amount of Connected: Church, and reduce Scandal and Suspicion&quot. If I had to guess, I’d say that the Church option yields at least one Favour with them nowadays, and the menace reduction won’t be too bad-- probably.

I went with Masters here, like most, but I don’t think you’d be missing too much if you chose any of the other options for roleplaying reasons.

Holy crap. That linked finally solved the mystery of just what in the world happened with my Aunt, which had been bugging me quite unreasonably.

I started the storyline when I was still new, so didn’t keep journal records and obviously most of the stuff has slipped my memory by now. Somehow, I ended up with a useless opportunity card, which I quickly started ignoring, and kept being annoyed by for years. Until one day I played it one more time out of boredom and boom, suddenly I had the choice of where to place my Aunt!
Thanks to the fate chart, I just now realised that I must have failed that Persuasive check (I actually do remember that), and played the completely different story to everyone else that probably ended with me needing to go through the useless card a certain number of times before progressing. (There was no visible quality increase that I can remember, but there’s no other reasonable explanation.) Two and a half year old mystery solved for me!
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 8/10/2018

I’ll list detailed rewards for the three Aunt options here in a lil’ spoiler tag:

Mr Wines: ~30% chance of an action refill, some Wounds on failure
Mr Huffam: 2 CP Scandal cure + 2 Inklings of Identity + 3 Incendiary Gossip for 30 Greyfields 1882
The Church: 2CP Scandal cure + 2CP Suspicion cure + 2 Favours: The Church + 3CP Making Waves for 500 Glim!

The Mr Wines/action refill option seems to be the most popular one but I really don’t understand why (maybe because I’m a more casual player who’s never that desperate for actions or whatever). IMO the Church option is like miles ahead of the other two!
edited by phryne on 8/11/2018


Unless you happen to need lots of Church Favours specifically, it’s really not worth it.

Supposing that you use the Favours at the Palace for 420 Candle-Stubs each, this means 3.4 Echoes for 3 actions, or 1.13 EPA (assuming you have the Glim).

But if you take into account needing to get such large quantities of Glim, this drops to about 1.05 EPA.

The drop to menaces and the few CP to MW are nice, but this is still a very unprofitable action.

Doesn’t one of the options also unlock a branch in Port Carnelian?

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]Doesn’t one of the options also unlock a branch in Port Carnelian?[/quote]It’s just one option and according to the wiki it’s unlocked with &quotInconvenienced by Your Aunt 12-16&quot, which I think covers all three endings.

[quote=dov][quote=phryne]IMO the Church option is like miles ahead of the other two![/quote]Why?[/quote]Because I always have Glim, and I get to collect Favours (I’m far from having maxed out any Renown yet), two menace cures and a bit of MW in one go! I like covering so much with one click. Also, I don’t care for EPA and stuff like that, my brain doesn’t math ;)
edited by phryne on 8/10/2018

If you play the version that has a 30% chance of action refresh ten times, here’s what happens on average:

You spend 10 actions.
70% of the time, or 7 times, you gain 1 Wound for a total of 7 wounds.
30% of the time, or 3 times, you gain 10 actions for a total of 30 actions.

So net gain of 20 actions for 7 wounds. Even if you manage those wounds inefficiently you’ve still picked up a lot of extra actions that even without much attention will earn you more money than the other options.

So net gain of 20 actions for 7 wounds. Even if you manage those wounds inefficiently you’ve still picked up a lot of extra actions that even without much attention will earn you more money than the other options.[/quote]

But if you just leave it until TtH shows up - you may as well have some wounds &quotin stock&quot anyway, because they get reduced for free.

And 10 actions is at least 10E, maybe as many as 20 in the right circumstances.

Unlike Nightmares and Suspicion, I find that Wounds pile up faster than they go down through the course of normal play and TtH. More Wounds does mean more thought and actinos spent on getting rid of Wounds, but it’s still absolutely worth it.

Mr. Wines branch card for aunt is one of the best cards in the whole game. Other two branches , compared with that card, is insignificant.

Yes, I chose Mr Huffam as the most appropriate for the Aunt’s proclivities, but had to change it with Fate - nothing compares to the actions refresh.
Which is a bit weird, since usually Master-related choices tend to deprive you of resources.

[quote=Jolanda Swan]Yes, I chose Mr Huffam as the most appropriate for the Aunt’s proclivities, but had to change it with Fate - nothing compares to the actions refresh.
Which is a bit weird, since usually Master-related choices tend to deprive you of resources.[/quote]

Technically, you’re still being deprived of resources. You don’t gain any favours or material goods. But, your reward is a lot more intangible and unique. Very fitting for a reward from the Masters, in my opinion!

You are of course right - especially if we add the fact that I do get poisoned 7 times out of 10…