The Clay Highwayman

There was apparently a bug on release. Since you completed it fairly soon after release, you may have hit the bug. If you did, support can give you a free reset.

If you pursued the romantic opportunities as a Marauder, there should have been an option related to this at Wolfstack. I’m not sure about the details myself, because I also apparently hit the bug and haven’t played through the reset yet.

There was apparently a bug on release. Since you completed it fairly soon after release, you may have hit the bug. If you did, support can give you a free reset.

If you pursued the romantic opportunities as a Marauder, there should have been an option related to this at Wolfstack. I’m not sure about the details myself, because I also apparently hit the bug and haven’t played through the reset yet.

Where did they announce the bug? I don’t see it on the forums or on Reddit.

Discord, I think. I found out about it by tracking the Wiki.

I don’t really care for romance being a prerequisite for getting “the full story”, but so be it I guess, sod 'im.

Romancing him is required for the full story? That’s unfortunate. Guess I’ll have to leave it unfinished. Shoddy move there, FBG.

You can still play through it, but you have very limited interactions with him and you’re locked into the “worse ending” track.


I am ambivalent about seeking out the Highwayman. That’s partly because it conflicts with my character’s desire and efforts to minimize Banditry in the Upper River. But it’s also because I do not think it sits well with how I handled the knowledge of the Contessa’s relationship with a Clay Man, all those years ago. :-(

Oh no :(

I misread that, I assumed that to progress you needed to EITHER do fascinating or investigating track, I ended up doing investigating. Didn’t even realize I was missing out on things until it was too late :(

I’m beginning to think Failbetter is conspiring to make my character the most tragic romantic in London. Everybody she ends up falling for ends poorly or is unavailable! :(

Well, my char never would have romanced him (she wouldn’t be interested in the least), so I guess it’ll have to be a bad end.