The Anatomy of a Bug Report

This post is not to tell you where to report bugs (but because it really can’t be said enough, send an email to but rather how to format your report to help avoid unfortunate misunderstandings on the part of Failbetter’s bug reporting staff. I believe that following this format will help minimized the chances of such a misunderstanding:

  • Does this bug involve Fate in any way?[/li][li]Who am I? As there’s no guarantee that your email address contains any reference at all to your character in Fallen London, this is obviously important if the bug directly affects you.[/li][li]What tab did I encounter the bug on?[/li][li]Where am I in the game (Ladybones Road, The Flit, Out to Zee, etc.)?[/li][li]What did I do?[/li][li]What did I expect to happen?[/li][li]What actually happened?[/li][li]Your browser and operating system?[/li][li]Did you by any chance try another browser to see if the bug occurred there, too?[/li][li]Did you try clearing your browser’s cache?(because that’s usually the first thing you’ll be asked to do, and it solves the problem in many cases)[/li][li]Any other germane details not covered by the above questions?[/li][li]The exact time and time zone the bug happened

I can not take credit (or blame) for this format, it is an extrapolation of a format that another game requests it’s Bug Reports be in. If anyone (especially the people who have to read the bug reports) have any ideas for improvement on this format (or something far superior that should flat out replace it), then please by all means post them.
EDIT: Added the excellent suggestions in subsequent posts.
edited by Abraham Bounty on 6/22/2012

Also very important:

  • your browser and operating system[/li][li]did you by any chance try another browser to see if the bug occurred there, too[/li][li]did you try clearing your browser’s cache (because that’s usually the first thing you’ll be asked to do, and it solves the problem in many cases)

Additionally, Failbetter requested bug reports contain:

  • the exact time and time zone the bug happened

First post updated.