The Sixth Tournament of the Sanguine Ribbon Society has concluded! The 35 participants fought a combined 222 Lethal Sparring Bouts. Please congratulate the champion of the tournament, Tsar Koschei, who was victorious with an incredible 31 points and, even more impressively, zero losses. Exceptional Hats off to you, sir! Please also congratulate the runner-up, Amalgamate (23 points) and 3rd place finisher Taranlei close behind with 19 points.
For the first time, we have a tie for the Wooden Spoon title with both William Green and Severinus in a tie with the lowest score (6). Per tournament rules, they’ll continue sparring until one of them loses a set of two bouts and thus earns the title. Alternately, I will give them the option to share the title and split the "reward" of rats – whatever the outcome, I will announce the winner(s) of the Wooden Spoon title here.
Here is the final scoreboard for participants that completed all 17 Lethal Sparring Bouts. Congratulations to all of you! Wear your Sanguine Ribbons with pride and, if you haven’t already, record your wins and losses on the SRS Leaderboard.
1. Tsar Koschei (31) - CHAMPION
2. [b]Amalgamate /b - Runner-up
3. [b]Taranlei /b - 3rd Place
4. [b]Raccoonajr /b
5. [b]Azoth I /b
6. Optimatum, Werner Salaman, & Shaerys (tied with 15)
7. Solange Dovera-Rooke (14)
8. Rowland Walsted (13)
9. Skinnyman, Fenoglio, & idon091 (tied with 12)
10. Anne_Carnacki, ThomasSnurrison, & Vladje (tied with 11)
11. Praesidius & Qorder (tied with 10)
12. JaggedMallard & Johanness (tied with 9)
13. [b]Plurnes /b
14. William Green & Severinus (tied with 6)
Please note that due to the unexpected Whitsun festival, delivery of prizes will be delayed until after Whitsun has concluded (I have important egg-related matters to take care of at the moment). The participants listed above, however, are welcome to display the Sixth Tournament badge seen below to their signatures right now. I have already added the badge to their leaderboard profiles.
As always, please post or send me your feedback about the tournament to help improve future events. I already have a few rule changes in mind to streamline things a bit next time. To pre-register for the next tournament, join the SRS by adding your name to the Leaderboard if you haven’t already (don’t forget, you need a Black Ribbon to join), then simply write "Yes" in the "Applying for" column.
Until then, keep your blades sharp and your wits sharper still.
edited by James Sinclair on 5/15/2020
edited by James Sinclair on 5/15/2020