Is there a way of blocking this during combat? My evades don’t seem to prevent it.
Poor zailors.
Is there a way of blocking this during combat? My evades don’t seem to prevent it.
Poor zailors.
You simply need a higher evade, and more foresight. During battle you may need to evade twice to ensure your opening for an attack. I know this is not very helpful if you don’t have a good way of getting evade higher.
That’s exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks Owen Wulf! :)
I’ve also found that in can be helpful to Evade at least twice in a row for every other action you’re taking. It helps to keep your Illumination down far enough that zee critters can’t use tentacle attacks or actually attack the ship.
This right here! If you keep your illumination less than 50, you’re immune from almost all attacks. With rare exceptions – watch out for your Mountain Nomads and Lorne Michaels.
[li]Pangolin -
"veils" is arguably one of the most crucial combat skills in the game. it controls the effectiveness of your evades. life at zee will be difficult until you buck it up to a net 50-rating or higher. it’s also perhaps the hardest skill in the game to boost.
personally, i save most of my secrets for use on veils. the game provides prayers, challenges, and special events aplenty for other skills, but there’s a real derth of opportunities for bumping veils.
also - tentacles ain’t so bad. you can lose a few zailors and keep on zailing (and zhooting). if not tentacles (or screaming) you’re looking at hits to the hull, and that’s a lot less sustainable.
Lorn-Flukes and Mount Nomad still need 75 illumination to do their Desolation attack, and Hypothesize is pretty weak. (EDIT: Actually wait, it’s 100)
I’m pretty sure the threshhold for the tentacle attacks is 75 illumination (which also seems to be the threshhold for normal pirate attacks, which is odd because when the player does them it only takes 50.)
edited by WormApotheote on 8/16/2014
Someone in another thread said it was a Distance thing and you have to stay at least 50 yards away from them. I’ve been doing that and so far it works.