Teeth can become alive; can other body parts?

So, Ambition: Bag A Legend! shows that Red Science can have teeth becoming alive and trooping about. Bullbone Island has shown that rib bones can wriggle around like worms.

Has there been anything in the lore that suggests that other body parts can become independently alive and sapient? (Like Ice King’s heart, Ricardio, in Adventure Time?)

Well, if you think about it, that’s basically all Clay Men are.

Well, Clay Men are animated by rogue hearts…

Er, what?


This makes me wonder… if one’s corpse were to be shipped to Polythreme… technically you ARE an inanimate object…

… Or are you MANY inanimate objects…? Would the incisors get along with the molars? Would each bone splinter apart and go their separate ways? Or would they form a colony like the clothes do?

Finally, a way to add zombies to the neath.

edited by Tystefy on 8/16/2020

Most likely every individual part has a chance of animating, but not down to splinter level. Unless you grind the bones beforehands.

Though I doubt they’ll form a colony - the ass-seniority debacle alone would put an end to any of these plans if they can separate without killing themselves.

Alternatively, since this vitality is actually a shard of Stone’s law, you would just be briefly resurrected, like people in Presbyterate with their quasi-immortality.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/18/2020

I mean, every time I go to Polythrem I start to think about the ship of Theseus. If a house is alive, would it’s wall and floor have their own awareness too? Would each plank of wood on these wall be alive too? Would each molecule? Why is the arm of a Clay Men not rebelling and reacting? If I remove some part of a Clay Men, replace it with another bunch of clay, then do it again until slowly every part of the Clay Men are different (but at no point have I completely dismantle the Clay Men), is it the same Clay Men?
I know, I’m such a pedant. I’ll shut up now.

I feel like there are people in the Neath who would be happy to carry out such an experiment.

[quote=Quidam]IIf I remove some part of a Clay Men, replace it with another bunch of clay, then do it again until slowly every part of the Clay Men are different (but at no point have I completely dismantle the Clay Men), is it the same Clay Men?

Fallen London kinda gives an answer actually. Clay Men usually use clay for surgery to heal themselves.

[quote=Quidam]I mean, every time I go to Polythrem I start to think about the ship of Theseus. If a house is alive, would it’s wall and floor have their own awareness too? Would each plank of wood on these wall be alive too? Would each molecule? Why is the arm of a Clay Men not rebelling and reacting? If I remove some part of a Clay Men, replace it with another bunch of clay, then do it again until slowly every part of the Clay Men are different (but at no point have I completely dismantle the Clay Men), is it the same Clay Men?
I know, I’m such a pedant. I’ll shut up now.[/quote]
I think the answer is up to what the King With a Hundred Hearts would consider an individual thing.