Table Eight At An 1894 Hallowmas Dinner Party

&quotAlright then.&quot He leans in conspiratorially. &quotA confession. When I first moved to the Neath I was hired as an adjunct professor at Benthic. As I’ve already divulged, I use what sway I have to import casks of Surface wine. It really is essential to the proper cultivation of mushroom wine - one mustn’t forget what came before. Early on, though, you see, there was a girl I had met on the Surface. A student from the first class I taught. Nothing untoward happened at the time - though we had certainly caught each other’s eye.&quot The professor continues, as he refills glasses all around.

&quotWell we wrote each other for months - letters that grew more and more passionate. Until she said the distance between us was unbearable and she had to see me. The only trouble was, legally, she wasn’t allowed in the Neath. Something about being a known radical, an enemy of the Bazaar…etc. So I arranged for her to come down the Canal in one of my wine shipments, which she was game for. When the steamer finally arrived, I unsealed the crate and - lo and behold - there she was, surrounded by empty bottles everywhere. Only she didn’t know several bottles were experimental mushroom vintages I had a peer propagate on the Surface. Apparently they made her tongue spore purple plumes. Turned her eyes lavendar as well.&quot

&quotI had her tongue cured in a month - but she wasn’t able to talk much until then. Which served our purposes just fine.&quot The professor sighs happily, and a little wistfully. &quotShe got picked up by the Special Constables in the end. Once she saw the full scope of my research, she tried to smuggle my experiments back up top to fund her Anarchist friends in Vienna. She was a good girl all the same. Never did get her eyes back to their proper shade.&quot

&quotThat was an entetraining tale my friend.&quot Lord Gazter takes a sip of his champagne. &quotAhh, an excelent vintage.&quot

Lord Gazter looks around at the other guests. &quotWho wishes to go next?&quot
edited by Lord Gazter on 11/2/2016

The Rose peers about the table. “Yes, any other confessions?”

&quotHow about… what do I have to confess? I am innocent. I don’t take honey, ok, I drink a lot. When I came here, I picked a purse… because, to be honest, back then, stealing was the only thing I knew how to do… I still am a proud thief… I didn’t kill anyone… I abandoned beating up people for money… That was another job I took because I had no idea about what other profession I could do. And I seriously start thinking about becoming a vegetarian right now.&quot[li]

“In my power as a Hallowmas confessor, I declare your secret sanctified! My sealed lips shall never speak of your thievery.”